Fake Crier (Prinxiety) Pt.1

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T.W. Slight Cussing

3rd person P.O.V

So if you didn't know already Virgil goes to Patton and Fake cries about things the other sides did, the other sides being Logan and Roman. So basically Roman or Logan will do something or say something that Virgil doesn't really care about but, sometimes when he's in a bad mood or they did something to piss him off he will fake cry to Patton about it.

Now I know some of you are thinking "Virgil acting like a crybaby no" well he only does is if Roman or Logan

1. Eat his food (like steal some of his food or eat his leftovers)

2. If you piss him off (by teasing him way too much or taking his seat/phone)

3. If you wakes up in a bad mood (with all of the above)

But you see Roman and Logan, especially Roman, will feel really guilty because they don't know the tears are fake and see what happens when they find out the tears are fake, then think real ones are fake.

Virgil's P.O.V

"Dear Diary,

Today is a bad day. I don't know why I feel like its gonna be a bad day I just woke up in a bad mood. Well at least if Logan or Roman do something I won't think twice before going to fake cry to Patton about it. Since Thomas is a good actor we all get some different perks to it and the one I got was fake crying

Welp that all I have to say for now so bye"

I finished writing in my diary, in all honesty, I only write what my days are like and what caused them to be like that in my diary. With little to no detail so in my opinion, only an idiot would right secrets in a diary.

Then my stomach growled, guess I'm hungry let's hope no ones in the Kitchen.

3rd person P.O.V.

Roman was walking down the hallway when he noticed that Virgil's door was cracked. Curiosity got the best of and he walked into the room. I mean who wouldn't Virgil's door was never left open or cracked and when he was in the room the door was locked. Roman starts looking around Virgil's room. He hadn't been in there since the "Accepting Anxiety" video and since then he and Virgil have been hanging out a lot more. It also helped Roman realize he had developed romantic feelings for the darker trait.

That's when Roman saw something out of the corner of his eye. A journal on Virgil's pillow he went over to the pillow grabbed the journal and ran out of the room so he could read the journal without Virgil catching him.

Roman's P.O.V

Let's see what secrets Virgil is keeping. I mean I know I'm the prince and princes don't do stuff like this but I need to know if Virgil likes me back. I open the journal and start reading nothing juicy, I get to the last entry (refer back to the top if you want cause I'm not putting it down here too sorry!) THAT LITTLE FUCKING SNAKE! So all those times I thought I'd actually hurt his feelings he was FAKING!

I mean he probably still does it because he's never seen it hurt anyone. I need to go tell Logan!

But I mean I still love him! I will love him no matter what!

*Time skip 5 hours*

We had just finished movie night and I took Virgil's spot on the couch and both me and Logan stole some of his food. I also teased him a little more than normal, I expected to hear fake crying coming from Patton's room but I heard it from Virgil's room. I walk back to my room and realize I never put the journal back so I wait and I hear Virgil's door open and close and quickly put the journal back. And then I hear a gasp from behind me. (And at this moment Roman knew he fucked up I'm jk I'm sorry)

Virgil's P.O.V

I left my room after crying for about an hour straight. I was crying because Roman and Logan did everything they could to piss me off and normally I would fake cry to Patton but these were real tears. Not only that but my journal went missing! I'm walking back to my room and see the door open when I get closer I see Roman in my journal. I can't help it I start having a panic attack a small one but one. I start crying real tears. Roman turns to me and says something that stabbed me right through the heart. "Stop fake crying, Virgil, Me and Logan know all about your fake crying" He stated looking me dead in the eyes. This made my mini attack turn into a full on attack and I lash out "ROMAN THESE AREN'T FAKE I FAKE CRY ABOUT LITTLE STUFF AND YOU AND LOGAN DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO PISS ME OFF WHEN I WAS ALREADY FUCKING PISSED FOR NO REASON WHEN I WOKE UP AND THEN I REALISE MY JOURNALS MISSING!"


So like me to start off my one-shot book with a multi-part thing Also @Always782 helped me come up with the next Prinxiety chapter! We were messing around talking about the sides and started role playing with Prinxiety and Logicality so I'm going to make a clearer version of it as a one-shot!

800+ words

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