An Important Message

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Jack's POV

I anxiously paced the floor of my room at the North Pole. I was waiting for word from Sandy. He had left weeks ago to track down Pitch and find out what was going on. Bunny and Tooth had gone missing, and with North busy with Christmas, I was left all alone.

I didn't really expect a note to come from Sandy. None had come for weeks. But I was getting a little stir crazy. North didn't want me leaving until we had an idea of where Pitch was and what his plans were. That left me to play bowling with the elves. They were the pins usually.

A golden envelope drifted through my open window and floated out my door and down the hall. A letter from Sandy! I ran after it and followed it to North. He was busy in his workshop checking the naughty/nice list. Again.

The envelope fell on his desk and sat there. North quickly pulled on his reading glasses and scanned the page. I read it over his shoulder, since he didn't have the courtesy to read it out loud.

North and Jack,

I have caught wind of Pitch's plans. In a kingdom called Arandell, there is a princess with promising signs of a guardian. She is only a few years old, hardly older than 7. Pitch has plans for her. She needs to be protected immediately. I will continue following Pitch and try to find Bunny and Tooth.


"This is outrageous!" North shouted. I flinched slightly.

"Pitch's spies spread farther than I thought! For him to have found out about her... Sandy is right! She needs protection!"

"I could do it." I offered. I needed to do something.

"But Bunny and Tooth is gone, and Sandy and I are busy..." North continued, oblivious to my comment.

"I can go! I'll protect her!" I told him again.

"You? But you're just a boy Jack..."

"An immortal boy. I can do it just as good as you or Bunny or anybody! Give me a chance North!" I pleaded. He thought for a moment. Then he sighed and made up his mind.

"Alright Jack. You go ahead and protect her. Stay as long as she needs." He said, tossing me a snow globe. I grinned and shook it. Then I tossed it, making a portal to some far off place. This was going to be fun. I waved goodbye and jumped through.


The place I walked into was pretty neat. It was a castle in a bay and by the mountains. The castle had a town around it, and I flew down towards it. I figured it wouldn't be good to have a portal appear in the streets and no one walk out. Of course, no one knew me here. So no one believed in me.

I walked among the townspeople and to the castle. The doors were open, and I let myself in. Now to find this Elsa. I drifted through the hallways and looked for a girl that North had described. Only maids for the first little bit. Then I saw a little girl! She had strawberry blond hair though, not platinum blond hair. And she looked closer to 5 than 7. But I followed her anyway. She might lead me to Elsa.

The little girl ran down the hall, then a man rounded the corner and followed her. He had the same colored hair and a slight mustache. He must be her father! I followed as he finally caught her and brought her to a room.

"It's time for bed silly! Come on now, Elsa is waiting for you." He carried her into a bedroom and laid her on a green bed, then kissed her goodnight. The other bed in the room, a blue one, was occupied by another girl, this one with platinum blond hair. Elsa! I watched her for a moment, but she was sleeping. Then I sat on the windowsill and fell asleep. At least I wasn't at the North Pole anymore.

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