Pitch Returns... Again

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Elsa's POV

I sadly paced the floor. I felt terrible about chasing Anna and her friends out, but it had to be done. The sun set, and the shadows lengthened. I couldn't help feel that I wasn't alone, but no one else was in the room with me.

"How were the guests Elsa?" Pitch asked. I shot ice at him, but he raised a shield of sand to block it.

"That's no way to treat a friend." He tutted. I shot more ice, and he disappeared.

"You're no friend of mine." I growled.

"But if I'm not your friend, then what am I?" He asked, his voice echoing around me.

"You're my enemy." I told him.

"If I'm your enemy, then you must be my enemy too."

"Yeah. So what?"

"So I'm going to kill you." I heard a swish, then Pitch cried out in pain. I spun around. Pitch was using his sand to block bursts of frost which came out of empty air.

"Jack." I breathed. So he was real. Pitch had been lying. The scene in front of me sparkled for a moment, then I saw Jack Frost battling Pitch. He was defending me, even when I hadn't seen him. Just thinking about his loyalty made me glow inside.

"This isn't your fight Jack." Pitch called while dodging a burst of frost.

"As a matter of fact, it is. If you mess with Elsa, you mess with me." Jack growled. I could hear the tiredness in his voice. I hoped that Pitch didn't notice it. Pitch vanished into the shadows again.

"You don't sound so good Jack." Pitch noted. Jack looked around the room.

"I'm fine. It's you who has a problem. You obviously need your hearing checked." Jack shot back. Pitch laughed.

"We'll see about that. I'll check up on you later." Pitch said, then he was gone. Jack lowered his staff and sank to his knees. I ran to his side.

"Jack! What's wrong?" I asked him. He grinned weakly.

"Now you believe in me?" He chuckled. I glanced away.

"I'm really sorry Jack. I should have been straight with you to begin with."

"Yeah, you should have."

"Pitch has come to see me a couple times, whenever you were gone. He told me I was going to kill Anna and you. Then he told me I could stop it by concealing my powers, and that you were an illusion. I guess I believed him."

"I guess so." Jack said, then he clutched his chest and crumbled to the floor.

"Jack!" I cried.

Jack's POV

The cold was overwhelming. It was the worst in my chest though. I had never really felt cold before. I didn't like it too much.

"Jack, stay with me!" Elsa pleaded. I could see tears forming in her eyes. She shouldn't be worrying about me. I was supposed to be her protector, not the protected.

"Jack, please don't leave me." Elsa sobbed. I clasped her hand.

"I'm not going anywhere Elsa." I said softly.

"What's wrong? Maybe I can fix it!" She said.

"When you were sad or mad... when Anna was here, you released frost. Some of it hit me, some of it hit Anna."

"I did this?"

"It was an accident Elsa."

"But that's not the point!" There was a roar outside, and Elsa looked up. Moments later, the door downstairs burst open. Elsa looked at me, then at the stairs.

"Go." I said. She stood and hurried down the stairs.

"There she is!" I heard someone yell. Oh no. Elsa came running back up the stairs.

"It's the duke's men." She told me. Then she pulled me against one of the walls so I would be out of harms way. Two men burst into the room, both armed with crossbows. Elsa pointed her hands at them. They began circling her. One of them shot, and Elsa made a shield of ice. Then she trapped him with spikes against the wall. She made a wall of ice that pushed the other towards the edge of the balcony. Hans ran into the room, instantly taking in the scene.

"Elsa, don't be the monster they think you are!" He called. Elsa looked at him, then stopped. The first man raised his crossbow. Hans smacked his arm upwards, and the bolt broke the ice holding the chandelier in place. It began to fall. It was like seeing everything in slow motion. Elsa was running away, then she stumbled and the chandelier smashed against the floor. Ice shards flew everywhere, and I covered my eyes. When I opened them again, Hans and all of the men were taking Elsa away. I stood up and stumbled towards them, but the cold was spreading. I fell to the ground and blacked out.

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