The Proposal

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Please enjoy the video! This is a performance of Let it Go by Alex Boye. If you can't see it, try reading this chaper on the website. If that doesn't work, try

Jack's POV

I nervously fingered the small box in my hands. I was in my room at the Arandell castle. It was two years after my near death experience. I had stayed at Arandell since then, and me and Elsa had been going out for two years. Anna and Kristof had been going out for the same amount of time, and they had actually gotten married. Kristof had been asking me when I was going to do the same.

I finally put the box in my pocket and stepped into the hallway. Then I looked for Elsa. I found her in the courtyard, skating with a couple of kids. I nervously skated up to her. All of the kids grinned when they saw me coming and backed away. Everyone knew about me now.

"Hey, Elsa? I want to show you something." I said.

"Sure." Elsa replied, following me around to the back of the castle. As we got near our destination, I turned to Elsa.

"Now, close your eyes." I told her. My grinned and closed her eyes, then I led her through the arch.

"You can open them now." I told her. She did, then gasped. We were in another smaller courtyard, and this one had small mounds of ice with paths weaving between them. There was a small frozen pond with a bridge over it, and ice flowers and trees. I led Elsa towards the bridge as she looked around with wonder.

"You made all of this?" She asked.

"Yeah. It will never melt either, so you don't have to worry about it going away." I told her. We stood together on the bridge, looking down at the ice pond. There were even ice ducks in it.

"It's so beautiful Jack." Elsa whispered. I took a deep breath. It was now or never. I got down on one knee and pulled out the box, then opened it. Inside was a delicate snowflake ring.

"Elsa, the times when I am with you are the happiest of my life. You truly are a remarkable person. Will you marry me and make me the happiest person in the world?" I asked her. She held her hands to her mouth.

"Yes, I will!"


Thank you all of you amazing readers! I am making a sequel about their kids, and will let you all know as soon as that is available! Thank you once again for all the comments and votes, not to mention the support.

~Until we read again,


A Promise Bound In Ice(Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now