A Heart of Ice

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Elsa's POV

I pushed through the storm, not really sure which direction I was going, not really caring. I was numb to everything around me. Only one word could have snapped me out of it. Jack.

"Elsa! Wait!" Hans called. I stopped. Then I turned towards him.

"What do you want Hans?" I asked.

"Come back to prison." He said.

"Why should I?"

"You have nowhere else to go. You're ice castle was destroyed, and you need to pay for your crimes."

"I haven't committed any crimes."

"The murder of Anna." I gasped, then took a step back. No. It couldn't be.

"When she came back to the castle, she was deathly cold and her hair was white. She said you froze her heart. She died in my arms." Hans told me. My eyes filled with tears. It couldn't be. I fell to my knees and the storm around us became motionless. The snowflakes hung suspended in the air, unmovable. I sobbed quietly, oblivious to everything around me.

I heard the clang of metal on ice, and I glanced up. Hans was standing nearby, looking extremely angry. He held the hilt of a broken sword. Sword fragments were scattered around him. Someone was standing over me, protecting me from Hans. It was Anna. She was frozen solid, with a look of defiance on her face.

"Anna!" I cried. I stood and looked her over. That must have been what broke the sword. Hans had been trying to kill me. I heard a grunt, and turned to see Kristof pinning Hans to the ground. I turned back to Anna.

"Oh Anna! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed, throwing my arms around the statue. I had done this, when she came to see me. Now everyone I cared about most in the world was dead. Anna was ice, mom and dad had drowned, and Jack was probably dead somewhere in the ruins I my ice castle. All because of me.

The ice began to soften under my touch, and I heard a gasp. I opened my eyes to see Anna becoming human again. I stepped back slightly.

"Anna!" I shouted happily. She took a deep breath of air and looked around her.

"Elsa!" She said. We hugged each other, and I heard Hans snort in disgust behind us. But I didn't care.

"How are you alive?" I asked her.

"We went to the trolls, and they said only an act of true love could melt a frozen heart."

"So when you sacrificed your life for me..."

"That was an act of true love."

"But I thought that Hans said you died in his arms? How did you end up down here?"

"Hans left me locked up, but Olaf saved me. He got me down here, and I saw Hans was about to kill you."

"Where is Olaf?"

"I'm right here!" Olaf called, running towards us. I smiled at him.

"There you are! We're super lucky that you found Anna in time. We owe you our lives." I said.

"Not really. Jack was the one who sent me! I was on my way back to the castle, but it was all destroyed. I ran in to see if you guys were ok, and I found Jack. He looked like Anna, and he was passed out. I woke him up, and he sent me with a magic snow globe thing to Anna. Then I found Anna." As Olaf talked, I remembered the whole reason I was out here. Jack! I took a step back.

"I need to go find Jack. Right now." I told everyone.

"Right now?" Anna asked.

"Yes. He may not have much more time."

"I'm coming with you!"

"No, I need you to stay with Kristof and Olaf. Keep an eye on Hans."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I made a snow horse and climbed on. Everyone looked at it in awe.

"That's got to be the coolest power ever." Anna said. I waved, then charged off towards the North Mountain. If there was a chance he was alive, I was going to do everything in my power to keep him that way.

A Promise Bound In Ice(Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now