Pitch's Interferance

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Jack's POV

I woke up to hear the two sisters talking. Anna was laying on her sister, but she didn't seem mad.

"The sky's awake, so I'm awake. So we have to play." Anna said. I smiled. Elsa pushed her off the bed.

"Go back to sleep." She said. I could see Anna thinking hard. Then she climbed on the bed again.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" She asked slyly. Elsa opened her eyes and grinned. I followed the girls as they ran down the hall and to a large ballroom.

"Do the magic do the magic!" Anna begged. Elsa did something with her hands, then a single snowflake shot to the sky. it burst into a thousand snowflakes, and it began snowing. Inside! They laughed and played together, making a snowman they called Olaf.

"Go ahead and jump Anna. It will be find, Elsa will always catch you." I heard a voice whisper. Pitch. Then I saw Anna get excited. She began jumping off of pillars of snow that Elsa was making and laughing.

"Catch me catch me!" She called. I could see Elsa was struggling. I tried to use my magic to make pillars as well, but the little girl was too fast! Elsa slipped and her beam hit Anna in the head. I made some snow on the ground to soften her fall, and Elsa ran to her sister. I searched the room, looking for any sign of Pitch.

"Anna! Anna wake up! Mom! Dad!" Elsa cried. The ice on the floor thickened and became rough, and the snow stopped falling. I tried to comfort her, but my hands went right through her. She didn't believe in me.

The king and queen ran in, took one look at Anna, and somehow knew what had happened. They got an old map, climbed on a horse, and began galloping off somewhere. I followed along behind. It wasn't so hard because they were leaving an icy trail. I passed a boy who was riding a reindeer, but continued on after Elsa. They reached a clearing filled with rocks, and I thought they must be nuts. Rock wouldn't save Anna! But I could, if they only believed in me...

Then the rocks moved. They became trolls and one walked up to the family. I stood next to them as he spoke.

"I will have to remove all the memories of magic, just to be safe. But don't worry, I leave the fun." He told the king and queen. When he was finished, he turned to Elsa.

"Your gift is a wonderful thing, but it can also be a curse. Fear will be your enemy." He said. Above him, lights changed to form images. Elsa was so frightened that she moved closer to her father and covered her face.

"Don't worry. We'll protect her until she learn to control it. In the meantime, we'll close the gates and reduce the staff, limit her contact with the outside world." he said. That seemed a bit harsh to me. It wasn't her fault! But I couldn't do anything to persuade them otherwise. At least the damage hadn't been permanent. But I couldn't help think that Pitch had timed this perfectly.

Anna's bed was moved out of Elsa's room, and the doors and windows were closed. Less people could be seen milling about the castle. And there was nothing fun to do! I was bored out of my mind. I mean, come on! I'm the guardian of fun! This was totally not cool! But I couldn't make anything fun for the girls to do, since I couldn't use my ice powers. Anything I did, they would think Elsa did. And that would be bad. Her parents were working so hard to help her hide and control her power. But power like this could not be stuffed down. She was too young to be able to do that. It would always find some sort of way to escape. I spent most of my time searching the castle, trying to make sure Pitch stayed away. It was hard work, often fruitless. Nothing was there.

Every once in a while, Anna would knock on Elsa's door and ask if they could build a snowman. She told her everything she could, trying to convince her, but Elsa was firm. She would not be with her sister until she could control her power completely. Probably afraid of hurting her again. Anna tried everything! It didn't have to be a snowman, company was overdue, talking to pictures on the walls, never see her anymore, but nothing helped. Poor Anna. But I couldn't do anything, because neither girl believed in me. Still. But at least as time went on, Pitch stayed away.

When the girls were around sixteen, the king and queen left on a long trip. But their ship sank in an unnatural storm. Pitch. He would pay for that. The two girls went into mourning, but Elsa still remained in the castle. She would need to join the world soon. Now that her parents were gone, she was to become the future queen of Arrandell. And I could think of no better time for Pitch to strike than at the coronation.

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