Another Unexpected Visit

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Elsa's POV

The lesson was easy enough. All I have to do was put emotion into it, and then whatever it was would come to life. Me and Jack didn't talk about much after the lesson. We were both treading on thin ice you might say.

Finally, both me and Jack were on the balcony, looking out over the forest. Everything was covered with snow, but I figured it would all melt soon. Then a flash of black grabbed my attention.

"What's that?" I asked Jack, pointing over towards the bursts of black. Jack cursed.

"That would be Pitch, up to no good I expect." Jack growled.

"What are we going to do about it?"

"I'm going to stop him." Jack hefted his staff and took off, flying in the direction of the bursts. As soon as he landed, they stopped. I leaned over the railing, trying to see what was happening.

"Well, that was easy." Pitch's voice said behind me. Not again... I turned around to see him leaning against the door.

"Why are you here Pitch?" I growled.

"I just came with more news for you." He said.

"Your news isn't welcome here."

"Well, that's too bad. I was just going to tell you that you are going to have three visitors today."

"And who would possible visit me?"

"Well, one is your sister. Another one is her guide and then the third is Olaf. I just thought you would like the fair warning, so you would be prepared."

"Well I have news for you. I won't let any of them in."

"They will come in whether you like it or not. And then you will kill her. And Jack too."

"Stop! These are all lies! You're just trying to scare me!"

"Perhaps. But I think you will find that I am also here to save them."

"And how is that?"

"Conceal your powers when your visitors come around. This way, they will not get hurt."

"And with Jack?"

"That one is even easier. Don't believe in him. He was just an illusion anyway. An invention of mine."

"Lies." I whispered, grabbing the tail behind me.

"I'm afraid it's true my dear. I invented all of him. The voice, the look, the powers, everything." Pitch said.

"Why would you do something like that?"

"I have my reasons. So long... Queen Elsa." Pitch said, then evaporated into thin air. I just stood there numbly. Jack was a fake. He had been all along. And now I was alone, just as I had been before. Just as I had always been. I tried to think back. I couldn't remember Jack ever touching me. Pitch was right, he was just an illusion. I walked slowly inside and closed the door behind me.

Jack's POV

I checked the spot in the forest where the black sand had appeared three times, but there was no Pitch. Only black sand scattered on the ground. I finally gave up the search and took off into the air, flying back to the castle. Elsa was there, and someone else. I squinted my eyes. Pitch. I flew as fast as I could towards them, but Pitch must have seen me. He vanished. I landed next to Elsa.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She didn't respond. She didn't even turn her head.

"Elsa?" I repeated, waving my hand in front of her. She didn't even flinch. I patted her arm, but my hand went right through her. Oh no. Pitch had done the worst thing possible. He had made her stop believing. Finally, she walked forward and closed the door behind her. I stayed with her. Pitch could do whatever he wanted, but I was not leaving Elsa's side again. As the day passed, the ice hardened and turned slightly red and cracked. Elsa was trying to hide her powers again. Elsa began to look more and more worried, when finally the door downstairs opened. She composed herself and began walking down the stairs. I followed her.

"Elsa?" Anna's voice called. Anna was looking around the room, probably trying to make sense of it all.

"What is it Anna?" Elsa asked. Anna looked up.

"Elsa! There you are!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you."

"You shouldn't have."

"You shouldn't have run off like that! How long have you had those powers?"

"Just go home Anna." Elsa said, walking back up the stairs. Anna chased her up. We all ended up in the top floor.

"Elsa, come home with me." Anna pleaded.

"No Anna. Go home. You have a life there! Be queen and open up the gates!" Elsa said.

"But Elsa..."

"I'm happy here."

"I have a feeling you don't know."

"What do I not know?"

"Arandell is in deep deep deep deep... snow."

"What?" Elsa asked, taking a step back.

"You kind of set off an eternal winter. But if you just take it away..." Anna suggested.

"I knew I'd never be free!" Elsa moaned to herself, turning away from Anna. Snow began to swirl around her.

"But you can! For the first time in forever, you don't have to hide." Anna said, taking a step closer to Elsa.

"There's no escaping from the storm inside." Elsa said, closing her eyes and not listening to Anna. The snow swirled thicker.

"Come with us Elsa!" Anna called over the snow.

"No!" Elsa shouted, all of the snow flinging outwards and turning into frost. Some of it hit Anna, and she doubled over. Some of it hit me too, and I gasped as the cold filled me. A man came up the stairs, then ran towards Anna.

"Are you ok? I thought you said she wouldn't hurt you!" The man said.

"I'm fine Kristof. Elsa..." Anna began.

"Just go." Elsa said, creating a giant living snowman. It picked up Anna and Kristof, as well as Olaf at the door, and threw them outside. I stayed by Elsa. No matter what, I promised myself I would protect her. Whether she saw me or not.

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