Voices in My Head

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This next chapter is dedicated to Captainawsome114141 for your kind words! Enjoy the next chapter!

Elsa's POV

Everything was going wrong! When it was finally time for me to pick up the ceremonial scepter and globe, I had heard the voice again. It was a cold mean voice, and he was always in my nightmares. The ones where I relive the past, when everything changed. When I almost killed Anna.

He had appeared only two times since then. Once, when my parents were about to leave he told me that I better hug them while I could because I would never see them again, and now. He was telling me that the frost would spread, and everyone would learn my secret. He had been right last time. Would he be right again? But then the other voice spoke up. The one I had heard this morning.

You probably think I'm crazy because I hear voices, and I did to. But it was also sort of interesting. From what I could tell, one voice was kind and happy, but the other was evil and cunning. Funnily enough, both were boys. Now why was I hearing boys voices in my head, one comforting and one putting me down?

Sometimes the kind voice spoke to himself, so that makes me think that it isn't just some sort of guardian angel. That leaves a ghost or invisible person. Just the other day, I heard the boys voice talking to himself, but when I went in, no one was there.

"I sure hope Bunny and Tooth are alright." The voice was saying to itself. Then when I was practicing for the coronation, it told me I would be fine.

But now all of it's comforting and caring couldn't save me. I had blown it, and I was being hunted like a beast. Where could I go? I found myself heading towards the North Mountain. No one lived there. It was too steep to climb.

As I walked, I thought about my life until this point. My sister Anna, my mom, my dad, the voices. Anna was right. I did only know how to shut people out. And now I was running from them all again, even though they cared about me.

Jack's POV

I flew as fast as I could over the trees, looking for any sign of Elsa. The snow was really coming down now, and the wind was getting harder and harder to fight. I would have to land soon, if I didn't want to turn into a Jacksicle. I touched down in the trees and made a small ice cave. I would have to wait the storm out. Poor Elsa. Poor Anna. I had failed them both. I drifted into an uneasy sleep haunted by Pitch's laughing face.

When I woke up, it was light outside. Morning. And the snow had stopped coming down. I took off again and scanned the forest. No sign of Elsa. If I was a newly appointed queen with ice powers who was scared for my life, where would I hide? I scratched my head and looked up at a large icy mountain. There was a glint of blue ice on it. An ice castle? It was worth a shot. I flew to the castle.

As I got closer, I realized I was right. It was a castle made completely out of ice. It even had a little ice stairway. That girl sure worked fast. I landed at the front door and knocked. Nothing. I concentrated, and opened the door myself. It was harder to mess with someone else's ice than it was to mess with my own. I closed the door behind me.

Inside it was beautiful. There was a fragile ice fountain and ice walls, as well as large ice staircases. I couldn't see Elsa anywhere, so I walked upstairs. This floor was all one big room and had a giant chandelier handing from the ceiling. Elsa was there, outside on the balcony. So she was safe. Good.

"I wonder if I just made the biggest mistake of my life." She said to herself.

"Yeah. You might have. But I don't blame you. Pitch can be very persuasive." I said, more to myself than anyone. Even after all these years, she didn't believe in me. Elsa spun around and scanned the room.

"Where are you? I can hear your voice, but I don't see you." She said.

"You can hear me? I must be dreaming." I said.

"No, I assure you, you are very much awake. Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Jack Frost. At your service, your highness."

"I have never heard that name before."

"I wouldn't expect you to have. I am from a different world."

"Are you an alien?"

"No. I am human. Well, I used to be."

"Why not any more?"

"I am a human who has died. Manny brought me back to protect the children of the world."

"So you are my protector?"


"This explains so much! But why can I hear you and not see you?"

"That, I have no idea. If you believe in me, you will be able to see me."

"I believe."

"Are you sure?" Elsa looked around the room again.

"Yes, because I can see you." She said. She looks me up and down.

"Well... I think you know who I am." She finally said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yep. You are Queen Elsa."

"Yeah. But I'm not queen anymore."

"Whether you ran away or not, you are still queen. That doesn't change." A pained look appeared on Elsa's face.

"Could we possibly talk about something other than my now ruined day?" She asked.

"Of course."

"So... how long have you been following me?" She asked.

"Since you were sevenish. I came the night of Anna's accident."

"I remember that night. That was the first night I started hearing voices."


"Yes. One was you, the other is also a boy but more evil. He always tells me bad stuff, and he is usually true."

"That's Pitch. He's right because he causes those things. I'm supposed to protect you from him."

"Well, you're doing a great job."

"Hey! It's hard to stop someone who can disappear at will and has nightmare sand."

"Oh. That bad?"


"Do you have any powers?"

"Yeah. I have ice powers." I told her. Elsa gasped.

"Ice powers? So do I!" She exclaimed.

"I know. I can actually start giving you lessons on how to control them, now that you can see me."

"I would love that." Elsa said honestly.

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