The Ruined Castle

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Elsa's POV

When I reached the castle, it was nothing like how I had left it. It looked like something form a horror movie. The stairway leading over the cliff was scratched and the railing was missing along one side. The castle itself was partially imploded, and there was ice bits scattered everywhere. I walked nervously towards the door. It was smashed, scattered all over the floor.

I walked inside, looking around. My fountain was smashed, in it's place was my chandelier. It was smashed beyond repair.

"Jack?" I shouted nervously. My voice echoed around the room. There was no reply. If it hadn't been for Olaf telling me he had left Jack here, I wouldn't want to be here at all. I walked slowly up the stairs, fixing them wherever there were big holes. The second floor wasn't any better. There was a giant hole in the middle of the floor, and the balcony railing was gone. I didn't see Jack at first. Only ice. Then I stopped looking for the colors and looked more for his shape. That's when I spotted him. He was lying on the floor almost exactly between the hole and the wall where I had left him.

And he was solid ice. I ran to his side and looked down at him. It was Jack all right. He looked very peaceful. I sat on the floor next to him. Then I nervously laid a hand in his arm. He didn't move. I was too late. I started crying for probably the fifth time today. Then I mentally slapped myself.

There was always a chance! Hadn't I just seen Anna in a similar situation? If she was still alive, Jack could still be alive too. What had she said saved her?

"An act of true love." I whispered to myself. What could I do as an act of true love? Was it even true love that I was feeling towards Jack? But no matter what I tried, I couldn't think of an act of true love. I sighed.

"Jack... I'm so sorry..." I said. I picked up his wooden staff which was nearby and turned it over in my hands.

"This is all my fault. I couldn't do as you taught me. I couldn't let my emotions flow. And now your heart is frozen." I looked again at Jack.

"I promise you, until I find a way to save you, I will keep you safe. I will make you a place to stay at the castle, somewhere where it is always cold so you won't melt. And I will visit you every day to think of new ways to show true love. I promise Jack." I told the sleeping statue. Then I closed my eyes and held the staff tighter.

"Elsa?" I almost didn't dare open my eyes. That was Jack's voice.

"Elsa?" He asked again. I reached my hand out slowly, until I met his fingers. They were still cold, but them moved. My eyes shot open.

"Jack!" I shouted. He flinched.

"Oww... not so loud." He told me.

"Sorry. I just can't believe...!" I said, not finishing my sentence. I helped him to his feet.

"I guess that qualified as an act of true love." I said quietly.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just talking to myself."

"Could I... uh... have my staff back please?" I handed Jack his staff, and frost formed on it at his touch. He smiled faintly.

"I never thought I would be able to use this again." Jack said.

"But of course you would be able to! Do you think that I wouldn't try to fix you?"

"I was sure you would try, but I was worried about you escaping from Hans."

"Well, here we both are. Both alive and well."

"And I'm happy about that. Should we go back to the castle?" Jack asked, offering his hand. I grinned and accepted it.

"Lead the way." He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist instead. Then we flew out of the ruins of the ice castle and back to Arandell.

A Promise Bound In Ice(Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now