Elsa's Prison

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Jack's POV

I woke up to a couple of sticks slapping me. I opened my eyes slowly, then noticed Olaf standing over me. He looked very worried.

"Jack! Wake up Jack!" Olaf exclaimed.

"Olaf? What are you doing here?" I asked weakly. Olaf helped me sit up slightly.

"I came back to see Elsa! We got Anna to Hans, so now she'll be ok. Come to think of it, you look a lot like she did." I looked at myself. My. fingertips were blue, and white frost covered my hands. I was shivering violently.

"Olaf, there isn't much time. Elsa and Anna are in danger. Hans is evil." I said.

"Evil?" Olaf asked.

"Yes. Evil. I have something that can get you to Anna, but I can't go with you. You need to save Anna."

"What is it?"Olaf asked as I pulled one of North's snow globes from my jacket. Then I looked at Olaf.

"It's a magic snow globe. I was only supposed to use it in emergencies. This qualifies. Where did you leave Anna?"

"At the castle."

"Go through the portal and find her. Arandell castle." I said, breaking the snow globe against the ground. Olaf stepped towards it, then looked back at me.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I'll be fine! Go!" I commanded. Olaf stepped through the portal, and it closed behind him. I laid back on the floor and closed my eyes. At least Anna and Elsa would be safe. Everything around me began to disappear.

Elsa's POV

I woke up on a hard bench in the Arandell prison. I stood up and walked towards the window, but large iron handcuffs covered my hands and prevented me from walking any further. I stood as high as I could and peeked out the window. Snow swirled and wind blew. So Anna was right. The door opened and Hans entered.

"Why am I in prison?" I asked.

"You're a threat to Arandell. I might be able to get you out though. All you need to do is end this winter." He told me.

"I can't." I said, looking away. Hans looked disappointed.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know how." He sighed, then turned and opened the door.

"I'll do my best to get you out, but the council can be very hard to persuade." He said. Then he closed the door behind him, and I was left alone to my thoughts. Ice began to spread over the iron and the rest of the room. I hoped Jack was ok. The last I had seen of him, he had been weak and lying against the wall of my castle. Would they have grabbed him too? Of course not. They couldn't see him.

I pulled against the chains. I had to get to Jack. The frost continued to spread. I pulled harder, but nothing happened. Then I sat down to think.

It was a while later when I finally decided to try again. The frost covered everything now. I figured it was enough for me to break the metal. I heard footsteps in the corridor, and began yanking with all my strength. The door rattled.

"It's frozen shut!" Someone called out. I built up my powers and shot it through my hands and into the metal. It began to creak.

"Let me try that!" Hans's voice commanded. The metal fell off with a clang, then I blasted the wall open and ran out into the storm. Only one thought was in my head. I had to reach Jack. I stumbled on through the blizzard.


Yay! Too chapters in one day! Please vote or comment. Thanks for the 50+ reads!


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