Pitch's Prediction

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Jack's POV

I can't believe I was so stupid! Why had I snapped at her? Sure, I was mad and stressed, and sure she was asking all the same questions I was, but that didn't give me the right to snap at her! And now she was mad at me.

I landed in the forest and looked around. This was where I thought I had seen Pitch. It didn't look like anything was there. No black sand. No footprints. No cloaked evil guy waiting for me. Just snow and empty woods. I sat down on a log and buried my face in my arms. Why were girls so complicated? And why did Pitch always seem to show up at the perfect time?

Elsa's POV

I walked upstairs and paced the room deep in thought. Olaf stood nearby watching me. What was I going to do with him? And what was I going to do with Jack? I heard the door open downstairs. Olaf looked at the stairs with a hopeful expression.

"Want me to get that Elsa?" He asked.

"Sure, whatever you want Olaf." I said. He scurried down the stairs and out of sight. I heard the door close, and waited to hear Jack or Olaf call me. No sounds came from below.

"Pace for much longer, and you'll wear down your floor." A cold voice said. It was the voice that was always telling the future. The one Jack called Pitch. I spun around to see a man in a black cloak with spiky black hair and amber eyes. He grinned at me.

"Hello Elsa." He said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to deliver a message."

"I don't want to hear any message from you!"

"What if it was from Jack?"

"Jack would never ask you to deliver a message. You're evil."

"Is that what he said? No, I'm not evil. I just say things people don't want to hear."


"But you know it's true Elsa. I do tell the future."

"Only because you have a hand in it! You make these terrible things happen!"

"And I suppose Jack told you that too? You put an awful lot of trust in that boy. Why don't you trust me?"

"Maybe because you always tell me I'll fail."

"I only say the facts. Such as the fact that Anna is trying to find you, and the duke of Weselton wants to kill you, and Hans wants to kill you, and that you are going to kill Anna, and..."

"Stop!" I shouted.

"Why? Is the truth to much?" Pitch asked.

"You're lying."

"Elsa, I never lie." Pitch said, then he disappeared. I leaned against the wall and sat down. Then I put my head in my hands. He had to be lying. I wasn't going to kill Anna. I would never do that. She was my sister. But I had a sinking feeling inside. He was telling the truth. I would end up killing my sister, whether I wanted to or not.

Jack's POV

When I finally pulled myself together, I flew back to the castle. The doors were closed, and everything looked in order. I opened the door and walked inside. It was quiet, except for the creaking and cracking of ice. Something was wrong. I ran upstairs.

"Elsa? Elsa, where are you?" I asked. Then I found her. She was on the second floor, surrounded by orange ice and cracks. She was crying silently. I ran to her side and knelt down.

"What's wrong Elsa?" I asked softly. She looked up.

"Oh Jack! I'm so sorry for what I said!" She sobbed.

"Is that what this is about? Don't worry about it! I wasn't even fazed." I lied.

"I was horrible! You're working so hard to... to keep... Pitch away!" She said, then started crying again. I patted her shoulder, and she pulled me into a hug, crying all the while. I hugged her back.

"There there Elsa. I have some good news. Pitch wasn't there. I think it was my imagination." I told her. She started crying harder.

"What happened while I was gone Elsa?" I asked gently.

"Nothing. Just thinking, that's all." She said.

"If you won't tell me, Olaf will. Where's Olaf?"

"He went out to explore the world. I didn't see why he couldn't."

"And you promise nothing strange happened while I was gone?"


"Ok. When you feel up to it, we can learn how to animate snow at will." I didn't believe that nothing had happened, but there was nothing I could do about it at the moment. I would find out later.

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