Ice Powers 101

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Elsa's POV

What a day! I still couldn't believe it had all happened. Jack Frost was standing next to me in the snow. He didn't seem bothered by the cold either. I can't believe he was my protector. He had ice powers too. It was all just perfect.

"Now, what's important with using ice powers is don't hold back your emotions. Use them." Jack instructed. He swished his staff through the air, and a statue of me made of snow was in front of us. I blushed slightly.

"Now you try." He said. I held out my hand and snow swirled around, eventually making a deformed snowman.

"Not bad. But you're still trying to hold it back. Let it go." Jack instructed. Let it go. Three simple words. How was I supposed to let it go? I had hurt people with my powers. The snow around us began to harden and turn to ice.

"It's ok Elsa! Nothing bad will happen if you go. Take a deep breath." Jack instructed. I took a shaky breath.

"Now, forget your fears. No one is around that will see you. It's just you and me." Jack said calmly. I forced myself to stop remembering when I had hurt Anna. She wasn't here, I couldn't hurt her. The snow stopped freezing.

"Good job. Now, try again. Let your fears melt like snow. It's just you and your power." Jack said. I closed my eyes and held out my hand again. Let my fears melt like snow. I let my mind empty, and I heard the swish of snow.

"It looks just like me!" A voice exclaimed. And it wasn't Jack. My eyes flew open. There were four snowmen by us. Me, the deformed snowman, Olaf, and Jack. Hold on. Olaf was moving!

"Well that's interesting." Jack said, kneeling next to Olaf. Olaf smiled at him and held out his arms.

"Hi! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" He proclaimed. Jack laughed.

"I remember you! Hi Olaf! But I'm afraid any hug I give you would be cold." Jack said. Olaf shrugged.

"A hug is a hug!" Olaf pulled Jack into a hug, which looked very silly since Olaf was smaller than Jack. Then Olaf turned to me. He gasped.

"You... you're the one who made me!" He said joyfully. Then he ran up and hugged my legs. I just stood there awkwardly. Jack stood back up while still smiling.

Finally Olaf pulled away. He smiled up at us. That's when I noticed he didn't have a nose. Oh well. I didn't have a carrot on me.

"So... what are we up to?" Olaf asked.

"I'm teaching Elsa how to use her powers." Jack told him.

"How fun!" Olaf exclaimed. Jack turned to me.

"Did you make him?" He asked.

"Well... yeah. Last night. But he wasn't alive then." I whispered.

"Very interesting. I guess you animate whatever things you make subconsciously." Jack muttered to himself.

"Why are we whispering?" Olaf whispered.

"No reason." I told him.

"So what should we do now?" He asked.

"I'm going to destroy these, then I say that's enough lessons for now." I walked up to the snowmen and squished them until they were nothing but piles of normal snow. I didn't need more living snowmen running around.

"We can stop if you want. But I need to teach you how to control if you bring them to life sometime." Jack said. I nodded, and the three of us began walking back up the mountain. Olaf talked the whole time while me and Jack just listened. After a few minutes, Jack stopped and motioned for us to do the same. He peered through the trees around us.

"What is it?" I whispered. Jack listened for a moment more.

"I'm not positive, but I think I just saw... never mind. Let's keep going." Jack said, beginning to walk again. Me and Olaf looked at each other, then we caught up to him.

"What do you think you saw?" I asked.

"Nothing." Jack said.

"Yes you did! You saw something. What was it Jack?"

"Top secret guardian stuff."

"Since you're my protector, I think I have a right to know."

"Ooh! You have a protector?" Olaf asked.

"Not right now Olaf." I said, my eyes still on Jack.

"It would only scare you." Jack replied.

"I can't be more scared than I am now." I muttered. Jack looked skyward. Then he sighed.

"I thought I saw Pitch. Pretty sure. But not completely sure."

"Why would he be here?"

"From what I can tell, he wants to do something to you. Not sure what though."

"And he was following us?"

"Look, I have no idea. Ok?" Jack snapped. Olaf was watching us with wide eyes.

"Fine frosty pants." I said curtly. Then I pushed on ahead of him. Olaf hurried to catch up to me.

"Why did you say that?" He asked innocently.

"Because Jack snapped at me." I told him.

"He's under a lot of stress."

"You've only known him for like, three minutes and you think that he's stressed?"

"What, you can't tell? He holds his staff very tightly, and he looks tired. He obviously has a lot on his mind." I sighed. Maybe Olaf was right. Maybe I was to harsh. But that didn't mean Jack had a right to snap at me. I would let him stew until we got back to my castle. The rest of the walk was silent, and when we reached the castle, the only sound was Olaf oohing and aahing. Jack walked inside, then stood by the door. He wouldn't look me in the eye.

"I'm going to have a look around. You and Olaf will be fine here." Jack said. Then he turned and flew out the door. I watched him fly over the forest, then swoop down until he was out of sight. Then I closed the doors and sighed. Looks like I had ruined both of our days. Could I do anything right?

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