The Coronation

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Jack's POV

The morning of the coronation had arrived, but both girls felt very different about it. Anna ran through the halls, singing about how she might finally have a chance at romance, but Elsa was afraid she would blow it. Poor Anna. Love didn't happen just like that. But it reminded me of my home. I wonder how much time had passed there. I wonder if Bunny and Tooth were safe.

Elsa had to take off her gloves for the coronation, but everything she touched frost spread on. She was terrified. If only I could help!

"You'll be fine Elsa. I know you will. You are stronger than that." I told her, even though she couldn't hear me. She jumped a little and spun around, but she couldn't see me. But... how could she hear me? If you don't believe in someone, you can't hear, see, or touch them. But she just hear me. I waved a little. She didn't even look at me. She just went back to getting ready, then commanded the guards to open the gate. Anna ran outside the second she could, and so did I. Free at last! Fresh air! It felt so good to feel the summer breeze. Then I noticed a black figure standing by a horse. I couldn't be positive, but I thought it was Pitch. I flew down just in case.

The figure looked up, then disappeared. Yep, it was Pitch. The person he had been talking to had red hair. Very red hair. And he was riding a large white horse. He trotted forward, on a course to iintercept Anna. I had to do something fast.

I had two options. Three, if you count letting whatever was about to happen happen. One, I could use my ice powers on the rider and horse, but that might expose Elsa or make things worse for her. Option two, I could somehow make a distraction. Anna wasn't paying attention to anything around her, just saying that nothing was in her way. I tried to get her attention, but that isn't easy when one is invisible. Then the horse hit her.

She stumbled to the side and fell in a little rowboat, and then it started to tip into the water. The horse stopped it and the man jumped into the boat and helped her up. But the horse kept moving it's hoof so the boat rocked. Shoot. I couldn't do anything now. The two fell in love, or at least I think they did. I'm not sure about the man. He introduced himself as Hans. And a prince. He let Anna go back home, then she walked off. I followed her home for a little ways, then flew ahead to check on Elsa. If Pitch made a move on Anna, he might try Elsa as well.

The day passed quickly, and soon it was time for the coronation. Elsa stood nervously in front of everyone. Everyone looked happy, but I sensed something was wrong. I hefted my staff. It came time for the final part of the ceremony. Elsa reached for the ball and scepter.

"My lady. The gloves." The minister said. Elsa nervously removed the gloves.

"The frost will spread. There is nothin you can do about it. They will all discover your secret, and kill you." Pitch's voice said. Now Elsa looked truly terrified. I had to help her!

"Elsa, you know that's not true. You are in control. Your gift will do what you command." I told Elsa. She picked up the scepter and ball, then turned to her people. The minister began speaking. Frost started to creep up the objects in Elsa's hands. She glanced at them and began trembling, then put them back on the pillow as the minister spoke the last words. Then she pulled back on the gloves.

I sighed with relief. The worst of this day way over. Pitch had lost. We all proceeded to the ball that was post coronation. Elsa stood before her people, and her sister quickly joined her. They stood before all of the people respectfully.

"So. Big night, right?" Anna asked.

"Yeah. So many people. And what's that smell?" The two girls sniffed the air.

"Chocolate." They said in unison, then laughed. I smiled. Now they were acting more their age. A duke walked up to the girls, then bowed deeply. His comb-over became undone, and we all struggled not to gag and laugh. He straightened up and it fell back into place.

"May I present to you, the duke of Weaseltown." The servant said.

"Wheasleton! It's Wheasleton!" The duke protested. He held a hand out to Elsa.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

"I'm not one for dancing, but my sister would love to." Elsa said.

"What? No, I-" Anna started, then she was dragged onto the dance floor by the duke. He could be seen prancing around her in circles, looking like a peacock and stepping on her feet. Elsa laughed softly. I lost track of Anna the rest of the ball, I was too busy watching out for Elsa. She was smiling at everyone who was introduced to her, and kindly refused any offer to dance.

Towards the end of the ball, Anna and Hans ran up laughing and talking. They stopped in front of Elsa. Oh no. This could not be good.

"Elsa, we would like you..." Anna began.

"To bless..." Hans continued, then he and Anna smiled at each other. Oh dear.

"Our marriage." They finished together. Elsa looked shocked.

"Anna, could I talk to you in private?" Elsa asked. Anna grabbed Hans's arm.

"No. Anything you have to say, you can say to both of us." Anna said.

"Fine. You can't marry a man you just met." She told Anna. Then Elsa began walking away.

"Close the gates!" She commanded. So the night of fun was over.

"Wait! Why not? I love him Elsa!" Anna complained, chasing Elsa an grabbing her glove. It came off of her hand. Elsa clutched her arm to her chest.

"Give it back Anna." She said. Anna held onto the glove.

"No. Why are you doing this Elsa? At least I can love! All you know how to do is shut people out." Anna pleaded.

"Then leave." Elsa said in an icy voice. The she turned to go.

"Elsa, wait." Anna said again, but Elsa spun around ice spikes rose from the floor and Elsa stepped back. Anna looked confused, an the duke looked horrified.

"She's a witch." He said. Elsa turned and ran through the doors and out into the crowd. People said hello as she passed.

"Are you alright queen?" A woman with a baby asked.

"They all think you're a witch." Pitch hissed. Elsa backed up and ran into a fountain, which froze at her touch. The people screamed. The doors of the castle burst open, and the duke ran out.

"There's the witch!" He yelled. Elsa held up her hands.

"Please! Stay away from me!" She pleaded. A burst of ice shot from her hand, and the duke slipped on the newly frozen stairs.

"Run." Pitch said. Elsa turned and ran. I flew after her as fast as I could. Hans an Anna were running behind us, trying to catch up to Elsa. Elsa stopped at the edge of the water. She had nowhere to go. We could hear Anna calling Elsa.

"Elsa, they aren't going to hurt you! They want to help you and understand what's going on. None of them knew this before." I told her. Elsa calmed down slightly.

"Go back and explain what happened. You are the queen. They won't hurt you, and Anna won't let them." I continued. Elsa looked convinced, and she prepared to go back towards Anna.

"Yes they will. You heard the duke. They think you are a witch. They are going to kill you, and Anna won't raise a finger to stop them. Because if you're gone, she can marry Hans." Pitch pointed out. Anna was getting closer. Elsa stumbled backward into the water, which froze under her feet. She looked at the water, then back at Anna. Then she took off across the water, running as fast as she could. I started after her, then a hand grabbed my arm.

"Jack, so good to see you." Pitch said. I turned around.

"Pitch. What do you have against Elsa?" I asked.

"Everything and nothing. She is so much like you Jack..." Pitch sighed, looking off into the distance. The wind started to howl and the temperature started to drop.

"Let me go Pitch." I growled. Pitch glanced at me.

"You'll never be able to protect her if she doesn't believe in you Jack." Pitch said.

"I seem to manage just fine."

"And by managing just fine, you mean she's run off into the wilderness by herself and set off an eternal winter? Nice work Jack." Pitch laughed, then disappeared. I jumped in the air and flew off after Elsa.

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