Chapter 2

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Sofia's POV

I can't believe I saw him today. I really believe that saying now. Think of the devil and he shall appear. Benjamin is worst than the devil. The day I accepted his deal was the day I can never regret he gave me everything, and the best gift I'll never forget. He gave me Elijah the person I love most in this world. I would do anything for my little baby boy.

Yesterday was Marko's birthday but the surprise Anna and I planned to do never actually happened. Anna did surprise him. But I on the other hand didn't. I just left after seeing Benjamin. I didn't want him to know Marko knows me. I still don't get what he was doing there.

I gave liana, Annette's nanny the present I got for Marko and I told her to tell Anna that it was that time of the month for me. I know she will know I'm lying but at least it will give me some time to figure out everything. That's why I'm going to her house today after I pick Elijah from preschool. I wanted to take him to kindergarten or at least pre-kindergarten but they said his way to young. I know if they at least asked him something or anything they would put him straight to kindergarten even though his three years.


"Mommy, the teacher said I'm too small and the kids were all laughing at me." Elijah mumbled as soon as we came to Anna's house. Now I know why he was the whole time so quite in the car.

"You not too small Eli, how old were those kids?" I asked knowing he is going to say four years. But who the hell send their children when they four. Three should be the right age.

"They are four mommy, and momma they also laughed when I said gift?" Elijah said while talking a cupcake from Anna.

"Why did you say gift ?" Anna said glaring at me.

"Because everyone was saying present." My baby boy replied. Please God, help me raise this kid well because he's going to be the death of me.

"Why was everyone saying present?" Anna asked him.

"Because the teacher was saying out names." Elijah replied. Wow. Oh my god. Please don't tell me what I already think it is.

"Eli, my boy did you say gift because I told you it's another name for present?" I asked him, knowing well that, that was the actual reason.

"Yes, mommy." As soon as he said that Anna and I started laughing so hard. Elijah looked at both of us angrily and just left to go play with Annette.

"So Sofia, why was the actual reason you didn't show up at the office yesterday?" Anna was looking at me while she was putting the plates on the table. I knew she was going to ask but I didn't know it was going to be this soon.

"Um, I'll be honest with you, but promise me not to freak out." I asked her not to freak out because I know she's going to go beat Benjamin up herself.

"It's Benjamin, isn't it? What did he do?" She asked taking a seat in front of me.

"You know me well." I gave her a small smile. "I saw him yesterday when I was in the elevator." I took a long pause after that and asked. "Who is Marko's boss ?"

"Let me just call him quickly to make sure."


Third person's POV.

"Everyone is here right ?" Benjamin asked after he called everyone working for him.

"Yes, boss" Felicity replied, worried.

"Who the fuck did Sofia come to visit yesterday. And I know it must be someone here because she was in a hurry to meet that person." After Benjamin asked so angry everyone looked around and Marko's phone started ringing, breaking the silence.

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