Chapter 8

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Guys the things I write  at the beginning of the chapters (quotes or other shit is all mine unless I say otherwise. And you can't use it unless you ask. Which if you do ask at least I'm aware of it and I'll be happy to give you my answer which will be YES obviously course I love you guys. But you have to say it's mine and not make it as if it's your own thing. Thanks love for everything thing and the 6k+ ❤️. Btw I need you guys to do me a trailer if y'all can please please please guys. This other friend of mine is doing one for me already but I need others too please guys.

By the way guys please guys make me smile and vote ❤️ just press the star thing at the end of the chapter ❤️❤️ Thanks y'all. I love you guys so much by the way ❤️❤️❤️😚


- One minute, you happy

- Everything is great.

- But one little mistake.

- Just a second and your whole life is gone.

- If only I knew

- That's all I can say.

- If only I knew the consequences

- If only I knew I would never return again

- I would've never left.



- To myself.

~ SofiaValentines (Queensofsupreme)

Sofia's POV

I entered Anna's house and I could see that she was surprised to see me come home early. We both walked to take a seat. As soon as I sat on the chair she raised an eyebrow before I could say anything. And knowing her so well, she wants to know everything that happened.

"Should I spell it out for you or what Veronica?" She said but I already knew she wanted to know everything but what can I tell her? That I got fired? That I didn't tell Benjamin yet? That Benjamin is the reason I don't have a job? That he lost his temper before I told him anything? A million things I could tell her but I know she will kill him. I know Benjamin is heartless and wouldn't care about her, I know he can kill her if she fights with him. Anna knows how to fight but that won't be enough when it comes to Benjamin Carson black.

"HELLO !! Sofia are you okay ?"

I can't believe I have been thinking for a while.

"I'm okay, I'm meeting him tonight. He was uhm busy when I went there." I said, Even though I didn't tell her the whole story I wasn't lying to her either.

"Okay, do me a favor and tell him.. Wait before I ask the favor. Are you going to tell him about Elijah?" The question I haven't decide an answer for. I kept changing my mind day and night. Whether to tell him the truth of Elijah or not? I tried to call him multiple times when Elijah was a baby but every time I just cut the call after he says hello.

"No, I don't think I'm willing to tell him about MY son." I said even though I can assure you that Benjamin hates being kept things away from that's what his mother did to him and that's how he ended being part of the Omerta. That's all I know. The one night he was drunk he opened up to me, but I do know Benjamin more than he thinks I know him because Charlotte told me a lot of things about him.

"Well, if you do then tell him that I'm Elijah's second mother and if anyone was to be his guardians it should be me." Anna said as she stood up. Of course, she would always be his other mother, after all, she practically raised him with me.

"Yes, of course." To be honest I couldn't tell her that if anything was to ever happen to me. Elijah would be taken to Benjamin. A couple of days after Elijah was born, I wrote Benjamin's name as in his guardian and Anna only if Benjamin refused. Anna and I weren't so close but now that we are, I am sure I will change Elijah's forms, one day. But Benjamin is his father and somewhere in my heart, I know he would take care of him and love him.

We lost track of time talking about food, clothes, and other things. It was already almost eight. I can't be late. I want to just get this over and done with. I have ten minutes before Benjamin fires Marko. I have to hurry.

"Well, you just look at the time Anna. I have to say bye to Elijah quickly before he goes to bed." I got up and walked to there guest room. It's actually Elijah's second room and he loves sleeping there.

"Eli came kiss mommy bye." I shouted looking for him in his room, where can this boy be?

I walked around in his room until I have seen him hide in the closet. Why is he hiding was my biggest question right now. Oh god please don't tell me he cut Annette's hair again.

"Come out Eli. What did you do this time?" I smiled at me and before I asked him again what he did, Anna entered the room. And finally, he came out of the closet.

"OMG" was all I could say. What the fuck did he do to himself?

"Calm down Sofia, he looks uhm nice." Anna started laughing at him, and I couldn't help but laugh too. Did he really dress himself up like that? Now I know why his bag was full this morning.

"Where did you get the chain, Eli?" I asked but he just pouts at me and looks at Anna. Now I know she helped him.

"It's better than bad boy mommy. It's best boy now." He never answered my question but I got it. He is so cute sometimes I can't even be strict. He looks like a real clown who just has a fake gold chain around his neck.

"Anna please bath him and change his clothes, I have to go." I run downstairs, knowing I have three minutes left before eight, and I will make it.

"Where are you going Sofia ?" Marko asked me as soon as I come downstairs. He must have got home when I was upstairs with Elijah.

"Got to see Benjamin." I replied as I walked passed him.

"I have to buy something for Anna let's go together." Marko asked me as he walked up to me and I didn't reply I just went out and he did the same. We didn't take the car because the cross roads restaurant is close to my house.

As we were walking and talking I heard the clock strike eight. It doesn't matter I said to myself. As soon as we finished walking the street we live in. One more street and I'm there, I said to myself. But little did I know there were other plans for me.

A black car with black windows stopped next to us. Everything happened so fast and The guys come out and pointed guns at us. They tried taking me, they pulled and forced me but I wasn't trying to give up. Until!...until I heard some of them shoot. Bullets were flying around and I just zoomed out, shock and scared. This was not what I signed up for.

Marko was shot in the leg. A small girl walking with her parents was shot in the arm, a man wearing a black kofia that I think is a Muslim was shot in the arm, and a pregnant woman was shot in the stomach. The worst one of them all was that they shot a PREGNANT woman. I can't believe I'm the course of this. Everyone was running away. And some people were trying to call an ambulance and the police.

Then I lost it. I forgot I was there, I forgot I was fighting them, but as soon as I saw what my actions did. How so many people got shot because of me.

I gave up. I don't care if they take me or not.

I'm I curse? I asked myself.

Was being raped by my Stepfather not enough?

Was losing my real father not enough?

Was being bullied at school, not enough?

Was getting beaten up by my mother not enough?

Was stripping for people, not enough?

Was Benjamin not believing me not enough?

Everything went blank after they took me. The last thing I heard was Sofia. Marko calling me. And just like that my whole life changed, in the blink of an eye, I was kidnapped. In a blink of an eye, So many people were shot because of me. Life one thing that always betrays me.

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