Chapter 22

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Benjamin's POV.

I  left Sofia's room two minutes after Anna left. I knew Sofia was up to something, but I didn't bother annoying her with my questions. She's been through a lot.

I walked out of Sofia's room to see Charlotte and Anna arguing. I couldn't hear probably what they were saying but I could hear they mentioned my name. As I got closer I heard them kept saying Elijah. I got closer and closer till I heard Anna say Sofia will never forgive you. What the fuck did Anna mean that?

I was never a patient man so I was not going to start that now. So I interrupted them.

"Why would Sofia never forgive you Charlotte?" Both their eyes widened up in shock. What's going on ?

"Uhm- it's just uhm?" Charlotte didn't know what to say

"Uhm what char ?" I asked her but it looked like she was scared of something. What does this women have on my sister.

"What Charlotte is trying to see is that your friend was here." Anna took over as Charlotte tried opening her mouth. I knew Anna was lying.

"Why would Sofia never forgive Charlotte if my friend was here ?" They both looked at each other trying to think of a next lie to tell me.

But before any of them opened their mouths I got a call.

"I will be back." I walked away from them as I answered the call.

"Where are you ? You have been gone for almost seven months!" I heard my f*cking wonderful wife yelled at me.

"Watch how you talk to me Car!" She always seems to forget her goddammit place.

"It's Charl or Charlene Benjamin. Come to London right now, or you will loose this deal." She hang the phone at me. Carlene always said her name is Charlene but I have seen her ID and everything and it's spelt as Carlene.

I swear this bitch just always makes my day worse. I have to say bye to Sofia. I know she will be discharged soon so I will have to hurry up going to London and coming back before anything happen, especially before Anna makes decisions of me ever seeing Sofia again.


Sofia's POV.

The man stared at me for almost three minutes not saying a word. I was devastated. Could he my kidnapper, I couldn't help but keep thinking that.

"No wonder he cares about you." The man finally spoke breaking the tension in the room.

"Who are you and what do you want ?" I asked him as I sit on the bed.

"Don't worry, I saved you and Rick." The man pulled the chair and sat on it.

"I asked who you ? And who's Rick ?" I tried acting brave. But i know he could see threw me.

"I'm Damien. You must be Sofia." He said stretching his hand, thinking I would shake it. Keep dreaming demon or what ever your name is.

"Anyways" he said pulling his hand back. "It's his isn't it ?" He added making me shock.

"Ho-how do yo-you know !" I tried speaking, but I could hardly talk because of how shock I was. I knew he was referring to Elijah being Benjamin son.

"I did some research last night. But I knew before that, the minute I saw Elijah I knew it was his. He looks just like Benjamin when he was a kid." How does this man know Benjamin so well. But I know he can't be my kidnapper because of the way he speaks.

"Are you going to tell him?" I was concerned whether he will tell Benjamin.

"No!" He exclaimed softly. "It's not my place, hell I wouldn't give a damn of that a**hole if you didn't want him knowing. It's your choice Sofia." Damien got up.

What happened between him and Benjamin to make him hate Benjamin like that.

"Wait!" I got out of bed and stood up. "Who's Rick ?" I asked him as he smirked at me.

"Benjamin." He only said his name not adding anything else. Benjamin told me his second name but I never knew he had a third name.

"Is it his third name ?" I asked him but he just laughed "like I told you before me telling Benjamin about Elijah is not my business just like me telling you if Rick is Benjamin's third name." This man seemed like he was a man of his word so I didn't doubt asking him if he was going to tell anyone about Elijah being Benjamin's son.

"Do me a favor please and get my diary book at home. It has everything about my entire life. I need it, and you can read if it means hiding it from Anna and Benjamin because I don't want them to know about it." I didn't know what come over me but something told me I could trust him. I  wanted him to get my diary book because I know when Anna goes there to get me clothes or Elijahs clothes then she will go through my stuff.

"Okay. You still married to him?" He asked me as he quickly agreed to helping me.

"No!" I said almost shouting. I didn't hate Benjamin but i wouldn't want to be still married to someone that called me a cheater.

"That's what you think." He said as he turned around. What did he mean that's what I think. I know Benjamin is married I wanted to tell him, but I had to make sure to keep Elijah safe for now.

"Take care of Elijah for me if anything happens to me and Benjamin too."

"Of course. Elijah is just a kid, i wouldn't want anything happening to him. But hiding the kid from his father is never right Sofia." I Don't know if this guy is acting but his definitely the most kind hearted guy I ever met.

"You promise not to tell anyone even Benjamin about Elijah." He turned around looking angry at me.

"I told you before it isn't my business. But just because you went through a lot I promise you I won't tell anyone about him." As soon as Damien said those words I saw Benjamin standing there. Omg does he know? A million thought went through my head.

I could feel a tear forming in my ears. Damien followed my eyes and saw Benjamin standing there. He just smirked at Benjamin, and then looked back at me.

"What the hell, is going on?" Benjamin broke the tension as Damien whispered to me "I don't think he heard about Elijah, but If I was you I would tell him before anyone else does. Trust me you never saw Benjamin really angry." I could see Benjamin look at me. He didn't take his eyes off me the whole time.

"I asked you two a question, didn't I ?" Benjamin asked still folding his arms.

"I'm out of here!" Damien walked out pushing Benjamin out of the way but before he left he looked at me and winked as a sign of good luck.

"Are you fucking deaf Sofia ?" He glared at me taking a few steps towards me.

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