Chapter 47

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Third person's POV.

"Don't open it for anyone bye." Benjamin interrupted Layla as he planted a kiss on her forehead, and left.

"Just because I came to meet Elijah doesn't mean he can just leave me to babysit him." Layla said to herself as she took the keys and close the door after Benjamin and Carlos left.

She quickly ran back upstairs with the key. "Elijah." She yelled as she saw him still sitting in the bed. "You going to have to sleep baby boy." She said to him and he just pouted at her.

"Story." He said making her smile.

"If you promise you'll sleep." Layla said and he quickly nod his head. "Once upon a tim--"

"I don't want that one." He said getting up and making Layla burst into laughter.

"It's a real story Elijah. I promise you." She answered still laughing at him.

"Okay." He quickly laid down.

"There was once a boy called Alejandrino. He was like a brother to me and he glued our family together. He was the glue. My parents favorite even though they loved us equal. He was an orphan and one day he finally went to heaven." She paused as she looked over to Elijah who was fast asleep, but that didn't stop her from carrying on the story.

"Alejandrino always loved dangerous stuff he just wouldn't listen to me and that's when I got the call that the person I considered as a brother, that my parents loved so much died. They were so heartbroken and blamed me for not noticing something was wrong with him. The worst thing is he hated accidents he believed there's nothing called an accident. But he died in one. He hated me and loved me the same time. Always telling me to stop being friends with everyone just because I think they--" Layla was disturbed by the door. She knew she couldn't sleep because she had to wait for Benjamin after all she had the house keys. She had to open the door for Benjamin when he comes so she quickly got up and took the keys.

As she was about to walk downstairs she saw the door handle being turned that's when her instincts told her it isn't Benjamin. Benjamin knew the door would be locked he wouldn't break in his own house and plus it's been a few minutes since he was gone.

'He couldn't have been so quick' She said to herself.

She quickly went back to the room and waked Elijah up. "Aunty. Sleep." Elijah said trying to explain to her that she said he should sleep.

"Elijah you have to hide." She said ignoring him and picking him up. She opened the closest and put him there. "Whatever happens don't open the door for anyone." She told Elijah but he just shook his head.

"Elijah please my boy. Don't come out even if they say your name. I promise to take you to Adri, now promise me." She said taking his small finger. "Promise me Elijah." She whispered softly to him and he quickly promised her.

"Your mom will be so proud of you." She said kissing him on the forehead as she closed the closet.

She quickly went downstairs praying whoever was opening the door was Benjamin, but what she didn't expect was the fact that someone came behind her.

"Elijah." The voice behind her said as she turned to face him.


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