Shopping Sprawl

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Millie's POV.

So Sadie took me along, shopping. She went into every shop in the mall and wouldn't give up till she had enough clothes for many more dates to come.

"We don't have to buy everything!" I said to Sadie.

"We do. If this date goes well, you may have more." Sadie says with a grin. "Then I need to get a date!"

"You will. Just wait for that special man to come into your life." Sadie smiles and hides her face. "Wait! Have you got a someone asking you out already?" I asked with a smile.

"No!" Sadie lies.

"You're lying Sadie. I can tell." I waited until she confessed.

"Okay! I've had this crush on him for so long." Sadie starts.

"Who is he?" I ask before she could answer. Someone comes up and interrupts us.

"Oh sorry girls! I didn't mean to interrupt. What's going on?" Caleb asks. I could see how nervous Sadie was. But wait! It can't be...

"We're fine!" I say to him. "How's Finn?"

"He's nervous but he's doing great. We're taking care of him." Caleb smiles. "I'm going to go. Have fun on your date Mills." Caleb left and Sadie turned.

"Wf! Managed to pass by!" Sadie smiles.

"No! Way!" I say separately.

"What?!" She asks.

"You have a crush on Caleb, don't you?" I smirk.

"No! God no." Sadie walked past me.

"What? What's wrong with Caleb?"

"He's not my type." She said looking to me and away.

"Then who?" I ask.

"No one, just leave it." Sadie says and heads to the tills. "Now lets buy these clothes." Sadie seems a bit mad. Maybe I should just leave it. I won't!


Finn's POV.

"Hey Finn! Guess who I saw at the mall?" Caleb said to me down the phone.

"Who?" I ask.

"Millie and Sadie. It looks like they're shopping for tonight."

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"They had clothes and Millie was holding them. Maybe she was buying clothes for tonight." Caleb said to me.

"Look! Millie can do what ever she wants. She's her own woman. Beside maybe it was Sadie's idea." I told Caleb.

"I know. I feel bad for Sadie. Millie doesn't even know who Sadie has a crush on and at going to kill Millie when she finds out."

"Why is that? She'll understand." I said to Caleb.

"Yeah but friends dating friends is weird right?" Caleb asked.

"I'm dating my friend!" I said to Caleb over the phone.

"Okay! I was just telling you that's all. If Millie asks, don't tell her. Let Sadie break the news."

"I'll make sure of it." I say. Millie can't find out!

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