The Kiss

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Millie's POV.

After the kiss me and Finn first shared we decided to ignore the world and proceed with our relationship.

"Thanks for yesterday! That kiss really helped." I said on the phone with him. I had his face on my phone as we chatted.

"Your welcome, babe. We finally had it with no interruptions." He smiled back.

"I wish we could hang out today." I said pulling faces at him making him laugh.

"Why don't we? Then more kissing can happen." He said with a wink. I smiled and looked up smiling thinking of an idea.

"I'll meet you." I said ending the call and getting ready to go out. "Mom, I'm going out!" I yell. I hear footsteps and Paige comes up to me. "Where's mom?" I ask.

"She went out with dad. You okay out there? You need a bodyguard." Paige asks.

"Paige! I'm fine. I'm just meeting Finn." I say and head out. Paige watches me from the door and doesn't leave till I'm far gone.

I met Finn up near the playground where we played when we were younger. This was our hang out place.

I waited awhile and he turned up. I ran up and leaped on him. My legs round his waist and my lips on his. We held the kiss for a bit longer and broke away. He smiled at me and I jumped off wrapping my arms round his neck.

"Was your parents okay with this?" He asked.

"They're out. Paige let me go." I smiled.

"Ew! Brown with Wolfhard again. Are they in love?" I heard the bratty bitches again.

"Is that them again?" I asked. He could sense the irritation on my face. He broke away and faced the girls away from me. I turned and saw how ugly the girls were. One was Iris Apatow and the other one Maddie Ziegler (not friends with Millie in this one). God I hate them.

"Why don't you both leave us alone? Why do you feel the need to stalk us? You got anything better to do?" Finn said to them both.

"She's not right for you Finn. In fact..." the girls looked at each other I suddenly feel red. "You should be dating us instead of her. She's a weirdo. She's clingy and she's gilt. Look at what she's wearing." Finn looked at me and he saw how angry I got.

"Millie calm down." He spoke. I walked forward and walked past Finn.

"Hey! Bitches." I came up to them and Iris stood her ground. I punched her and she closed her eyes holding her nose, now that became bloody. Maddie tried grabbing me, instead I grabbed her and put her in a head lock. I held her away from Iris and threatened to hurt Maddie if Iris didn't leave me and Finn alone.

"You leave us alone or her head will be messed up. Got me!" This wasn't me! I had turned since they started on me.

"You're crazy!" Iris said with a broken bloody nose.

"Then leave us!" I warned.

"Iris! Please! She's hurting me." Maddie squealed.

"Let her go!" Iris spoke.

"Will you leave us alone?" Iris nodded. I let go and Maddie started coughing. She walked away and they both went away. I turned to Finn. "Wow!" I said to myself.

"How...? What?" He said shocked.

"I stood up for myself." I walked over to Finn and realised I had a bloody hand.

"Come round to mine. I'll sort that out for you." I was the hero. Hopefully they should stop following us now. Now they know they haven't got me in their grip no more.

Wow! Millie is a badass. Thanks for commenting so much on this. It means a lot guys. Keep reading. It will get better onwards.

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