Cake for Breakfast

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Millie's POV.

Last night was crazy. Everyone really outdone themselves. There I was thinking everyone had left me outside in the cold all night till I suggest going to Finn's. then suddenly the door unlocks and then surprise! I was shocked but I knew this would happen.

It's not the first time they've had a party for one of us. They did it with Paige and Charlie. Now me and next Ava.

"Millie!" I heard someone call. They open my bedroom door and they come in with a plate with leftover cake. "Cake for breakfast." My mom smiled.

"Thank you mom." I say with a smile and tuck into the cake straight away.

"So...? What's my baby girl up to today?" She asked sitting on my bed. I started chewing slowing and looking down at my cake. "Maybe we could go out shopping and buy some things with your birthday money." I smiled and nod looking at my cake.

"Yeah..." I start to say. "But... I was hoping to spend it with Finn today." I look up from the cake and my moms expression went from happy to sad. "I know I spend to much time with him but he's my boyfriend." I say.

"I would love to go out shopping with you." She said looking away.

"Maybe... we could both go and Finn can tag along?" I smile. My mom smiles and we agree. My mom runs out happily and eat my birthday cake. I place the plate down and start to get ready for today. I text Finn to come over and be ready to go out.

 I text Finn to come over and be ready to go out

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I took a picture of my today's makeup. I couldn't be bothered to sort my hair out so I left it frizzy and big. I send it on Instagram and Sadie and Gaten commented.

@sadiesink - love your makeup! Not sure about the hair tho. 😂

@gatenmatarazzo - ouch! Feel the burn. You look perfect as usual.

@milliebbrown - thanks guys. I'm off out with Finn and my mom. Wish me luck.

@sadiesink - 🤞🏻

@gatenmatarazzo - good luck Mills.

I laughed at my friends comment and started to go downstairs to meet Finn and my mom. There Finn stood. He looked my way and his mouth dropped open. I laughed a little and walked over to him.

"Paige wants to come." Mom said to me.

"Really?" I ask. Paige gets the car keys and we head off to get in the car and drive somewhere with shops and clothes. I hold Finn's hand in the car and smile as he turns to look at me. I love this curly haired goofball. And
It took me awhile to figure it out.

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