Taking Your Hijab Off + My Experience

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Salam Everyone! Today I will be discussing the topic of removing your hijab. First things first I am not trying to tell anyone to remove hijab.

In no way does wearing hijab represent how devoted to Islam you are.

Next there are religious non hijabis and non religious hijabis.
No one has the right to tell a girl how they want to dress whether it's removing hijab or putting it back on.
Wearing hijab is a personal choice between the person and Allah SWT we should not judge anyone's relationship with Allah.
Islam focuses on a lot more then hijab. Prayer, giving charity, helping others, doing good things and so much more.
(Also the Quran orders Muslim Men to lower their gaze before telling a woman to cover.)
No one focuses on how Muslim woman who take hijab off feel after. Guilty, judged, hated, sad, depressed, disappointed are all valid emotions.
There's so much more to Islam then just hijab and hijab doesn't even mean scarf on Head it means veil, partition. It also has to do with the person's personality and inner character and connection to Allah SWT.

My story
I love hijab always will. So I began wearing hijab and I loved it I styled it in different styles to make me comfortable in it. Living in the West is very hard. After awhile the area I live in it's just not safe so for my safety I took it off.

Now people can say Astaghfirullah in the comments or privately message me about how I bring shame to Muslims. But how does a piece of cloth do that? Shouldn't it be not praying or not doing kind deeds that bring shame to Muslims? Why is it a piece of cloth not wrapped around my head that brings shame? Islam isn't an all or nothing religion. A lot of people reflect on themselves and bring themselves closer to the deen when they take off hijab. When people hate on others for their personal choice they stray away from Islam. When females wear turbans and people tell them to take it off what is Allah going to say if you are the reason she does?
I'm not saying I will never go back to being a hijabi but for right now I'm a non hijabi. Still Muslim alhamduilah.
When I did take it off I felt a huge amount of guilt. But does a cloth on my head really say how religious I am? No  it doesn't. I'm just as religious if not more. I'm still me and I pray 5 times a day. 
I'm not judging anyone at all. This book is a safe place for those who are stuck in the middle.
Whether you cover your all your hair, ears, neck,and extend it to the chest or you wear a niqab or you wear a turban or you don't wear a turban or hijab and just leave your hair showing. This area will be a safe place.
As long as we are trying that's what counts.

Salam Everyone!

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