Knowing When to Convert

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Converting to Islam is a major thing. Once you do you have to follow it for the rest of your life. So you need to think of it.
Everyone is born Muslim until either your family converts you to being  a different religion or until you decide what's right and what's wrong.
Think about these thing
•Do you  truly believe in Islam. Do you believe in Allah (SWT) and Prophet Muhammad (SAW)  
You probably should not convert for love. Because you should convert fully for yourself not because of anyone else.

• Can you do the Five Pillars of Faith- No one is perfect and Allah (SWT) created us imperfect but Allah expects us to try our best. The five pillars are Shahada (Testimony of Faith)  Salat (praying) Zakat (giving 2.5% of earnings) Sawn (fasting during Ramadan) Hajj (making the pilgrimage to Mecca if able)
The five pillars of faith is very very very important in Islam.  If you believe you can do these stuff you should take the testimony of faith.

• Your reason for converting- Your reason for converting should be you believe in Allah SWT Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah's angels the prophets (peace be upon all the prophets)
Love is important but you shouldn't just convert for love because most will convert for their significant others parents and then realize in years they didn't want to convert and then leave Islam and then it's a big problem.
If your dating a male Muslim and you aren't Muslim but Christian or Jewish then you don't have to convert if you don't want to. But in Islam Muslims can't marry Hindus and Buddhists.
Female Muslims have to marry in their religion because Islam transfers by the father. Kinda like how Judaism transfers by the mother.

•If you think your ready take the Shahda, learn some Arabic read the Quran

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