Crushes? Dating? Is it Halal?

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We have all been there with crushes. Some have dated other haven't. But in Islam is it halal (permissible) to have a crush/date or is it haram? (sin)

Love, hate, happy, sad, jealousy etc are all emotion we all experience. So, it's what we do as human beings that cause either sin or virtue. Even though we are Muslims we aren't perfect human beings we all make mistakes and may Allah SWT forgive us for all of our sins.  What we do makes it either haram or halal.
If you fall for someone and tell a guardian that you love them and so on and you request for marriage with this person then it's halal and permitted.

However, if you fall for a person try and meet them in private or in secret and you guys are united before marriage it's haram.
So, dating with like kissing, hugging, holding hands is not allowed.

Dating in that sense isn't allowed. The word dating isn't really a good word with some Muslim communities because in the sense which most uses its holding hands kissing etc and it isn't allowed in Islam. But dating also chooses the person you want. Which is allowed. Forced marriage is haram and if you don't want to marry the person you have the right to say no. You can find the person. But when Allah SWT has it written for you to find your soulmate Allah SWT will move both hearts not just one. 

However if you are looking for marriage
Courting is an option.

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