Salat Fatigue

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Salam everyone! Today we will be discussing salat fatigue. Some days we have like a religious high we are on our prayers everyday when we hear the athan we just pray. Others it's hard to pray and we are dragging our feet to our prayer mats. Prayer is very important and it's our way to build a connection with Allah SWT. So let's get to the bottom of it.

1. Knowing the importance- Salat is very important it's a pillar of faith to pray 5 times a day. We should all know why we pray. We pray because it is a commandment from Allah SWT and we build a connection with Him we can't build without salat. It allows us to tell Him all our troubles and worries and to just thank Him for all our blessings.

2. Drag yourself- Drag yourself to make wudu and pray because when you do all your worries can go away.

3. Don't think just perform- A lot of times we don't pray because we think about it and we put things before it. But don't. When you know it's time to pray just do it with no thoughts and don't put anything in front of it.

4. Make it the priority- Schedule your day around your prayers. Nothing is more important than prayer. If you rush it for something before or after it. You are rushing it to the One who can change the outcome of that event.

5. Try your best-  Even if you are struggling it's better to pray that 1,2,3, or 4 prayers out of 5 then not praying at all. Try your best.

6. Know yourself- You know yourself better than anyone. If you are experiencing mental health issues and they are serious consult someone and also pray. Because prayer can help you in many different ways and health you. Mental health is a taboo topic but if you are experiencing anything remember Allah is always with you and seek help.

    I hope that helped everyone InshaAllah it did.  Have a great day/evening/night InshaAllah. Salam!

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