Part One

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A/N- This story is quite emotionally heavy, this is all about Zoya's journey from the aftermath of abuse, if this is not your kind of thing then please don't feel pressured to read.

Zoya stood in the bedroom of her new husband. Her hands shook as she sat on the bed, warm tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't want to go through it again, but she had learnt the hard way that her body was not her own, it was her husband's. First she belonged to Yash, and now to Aditya.

No longer a master of her own body, she allowed herself to stand up, glancing out the window as the rain poured down, a crack of thunder made her jump back. A warm hand on her thin shoulder made her whole body still.

She would not refuse, because she knew what refusal meant. Refusal meant pain, refusal meant she had disobeyed, that was not how it worked. Dreams of love and happy endings had crashed around her the minute Yash had first wrapped his fingers around her throat.

Shaking herself out of her dark thoughts, she turned to face Aditya. His eyes were soft, but she knew that was a lie, once upon a time she had fallen for that.

"Are you okay" he stared at her, deep within her, looking for any kind of reaction. "Zoya" his tone was quiet as he held up a hand to reach for her, causing her whole body to jolt back. Deciding he didn't want her to think of his touch as something to fear, he slowly placed his hand on her cheek.

She opened her eyes slowly, shock colouring her features, his touch was soft, kind even, what game was he playing at? Unable to help herself, she leant slightly into his touch, she knew it wouldn't last long anyway.

"I think it's time for bed" he pulled his hand away, dropping it to the side as he walked towards the bathroom

And this was where it started, she knew what he really meant. Swallowing back her tears she went to change into her pyjamas, it would all be over soon, she just had to be still. Zoya dropped her body onto the bed, as if she were lifeless, she kept her eyes on the ceiling, unable to help the tears that fell from her eyes.

Aditya sat down on the bed "Move over"

She did as she was told, then closed her eyes tightly, her heart was in her throat, her ribs tight at what she knew was coming. She heard the light switch off, ever so slowly she opened her eyes, where was he? What was he going to do?

Her hand raised to cover her mouth when she felt him move slightly by her side, only to feel the blanket being pulled over her aching body.

"Goodnight Zoya" Aditya whispered before turning on his side and closing his eyes

Zoya let out a soft sob, he hadn't touched her, she was free for tonight. She couldn't believe her luck. A scream escaped her throat when she felt his hand on hers

"Hey, hey, what's wrong" he sat up, switching on the light, a look of confusion and sadness took over his rugged handsome features, his brown orbs swirled with pain at the tears that flowed down her cheeks

Zoya shook her head fast, not knowing what to say when he pulled her up and into his arms. He held her tightly to his chest, his face in her hair as he whispered sweet nothings in hopes of calming her down.

His hold was comforting, her eyes slowly began to close just as she rested her head upon his shoulder, her warm breath on his neck sending tingles down his spine.

"I've got you Zoya" he spoke in a hush tone as her breathing evened out.


Zoya awoke with a crooked neck, her eyes opened slowly to unfamilar surroundings, she gasped upon realisation that she had spent all night asleep in Aditya's arms. She raised her arms, trying to undo his hold on her when his eyes shot open

His eyes now a warm chocolate brown as they stared at her, taking her in "Good morning Zoya" he allowed his hands to drop from her waist and she slid away quickly running to the bathroom

He stretched, stood up and grabbed some clothes then made his way to the outer bathroom, he rushed to get ready quickly and upon opening the door he came face to face with his wife who seemed a little shocked to have bumped into him "Would you like to go out for breakfast"

She shook her head fast, her long almond coloured curly hair hitting her cheeks as she did so, she would make breakfast, she knew this was merely a test, if she said yes she would suffer another beating. Moving fast she walked down the stairs and toward the kitchen

Aditya rested against the kitchen side, watching her slowly "Do you want some help"

Zoya sucked in a harsh breath, turning slowly to face him, she had no idea what he liked to eat "What would you like to eat"

His eyes widened momentarily "Your voice is beautiful, you really should speak more" he husked, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her hair then frowning as she flinched away "Make your faviourate food, we will eat that"

Zoya's brows furrowed, why would he ask her to do that? What if he didn't like it? The stress of her thoughts made her lose focus and a pot clattered to the floor. She froze, looking up at him, he was going to be angry she just knew it

Aditya let out a gruff laugh "You're as clumsy as me"

She shook her head, stepping back, he was laughing at her, this wasn't good, she knew what was next. Her breathing accelerated as her back hit the kitchen side and her husband stepped just infront of her

"How about, you sit down and relax and i'll make breakfast"

"Relax" she stuttered "How do I"

A dark shadow fell over his face, his nostrils flared, just how badly had she been treated. The guilt was eating up at him for never having been there to protect her

"Sorry" Zoya dropped her head, then jumped when his arms wrapped around her waist

"No, i'm sorry Zoya, so so sorry" he whispered into her hair "You never have any reason to apologise to me, I will never hurt you, I promise"

She stood, her arms still by her side, promises were never kept. It would only last so long until she failed as a wife again.

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