Part Four

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Zoya awoke in Aditya's arms "What, where are we, I" her body stilled upon realisation that she was in his arms

"It's okay, you fell asleep in the car, I didn't want to wake you"

"I, um, sorry, aren't I heavy, i'll just get down" her eyes were glassy as she tried to put her feet on the floor

He tightened his hold "No, you are not heavy, please Zoya" his eyes softened "You're not an inconvenience"

She blinked away her tears quickly "Okay, I just" she shook her head, then reached out for the light

"Hm, i'll go check the fusebox, hold on, you stay here" he allowed her to slip down his body

Zoya trembled, she hated being alone in the dark. Her eyes shut tightly at the memory of all those nights she had been kept in darkness

"No, Yash please" she begged as she was thrown into the spare room into complete darkness

"This is what happens when I get home and my dinner isn't ready" he locked the door, looking through the tiny slits of it at her as she pulled her knees to her chest and began to sob

Zoya jumped back as he moved away, the shadows were like hands grabbing at her "Please" she sobbed louder, her chest felt constricted as she jumped again "I won't do it again, i'm sorry"

She was pulled out of the memory as she felt Aditya step away from her, would it be too much to ask for him to take her with him, would he lash out if she asked? He had been so kind so far, he did say she wasn't an inconvenience but what if that was a lie? "Aditya wait"

He turned around slowly "That's the first time you've said my name" his heart clenched "Say it again" he stepped closer, his nose an inch away from hers

"Aditya" Zoya breathed "I was wondering if maybe" then she shook her head "It doesn't matter"

He tipped her chin up with his index finger "It matters to me"

"I" she moved her hands around eachother fast, biting into her lip "Can I come with you, I don't like being alone in the dark, I feel safer when you" her eyes met his "When you are with me"

"I make you feel safe" his tone was full of disbelief when she nodded "Of course, you don't have to ask me, you are welcome to come with me anywhere"

Zoya bit into her cheek, asking had went well, but she still felt sick, maybe if she could just hold his hand or something "Would you mind if, if I held your um hand, it's just I" she was cut off when he placed his hand in hers, fingers entwined with her own

"You don't have to ask to touch me, i'm all yours" he kissed the back of her hand then began to walk toward the fusebox, as soon as he had sorted it he walked back inside with her and switched on the light "I'm going to get an early night, i'll see you soon"

Oh, did that mean she wasn't allowed to come to bed yet? What was she meant to do, sleep down here or? "I sleep down here" she asked, throughly confused

Aditya let out a laugh "Why would you think that, if you want to sleep too, you can come upstairs or you can watch some TV down here if you're not tired"

"I can watch the TV, by myself" this wasn't normal, though she felt more at ease with Aditya she wasn't sure how to live a life without so many constrictions. Knowing what she had to do and when had became a habit she knew too well, freedom wasn't meant for her.

"You can do whatever you like" he stopped "Apart from leave me, that's the only thing I don't want you to do"

There it was, a sense of normality, something she couldn't do. "If I did" Zoya swallowed painfully "Would you hurt me"

The corner of his mouth raised as he shook his head "I'd rather hurt myself than even think of hurting you, if you want to leave, well I couldn't stop you, but i'm hoping that maybe you'll see some good in me and you'll, you'll stay" Aditya shrugged his shoulders as if trying to shrug off the burden of thinking of a life without her, it didn't work, he still felt weighed down. It was selfish to hope she would stay, it was selfish of him to have even married her, but he wanted her and he always got what he wanted. "Do you think you could find it in your heart to stay"

Zoya stepped back, the look of pain in his eyes was unsettling, he really wanted her to stay. She had never been wanted by anyone before, it made her feel funny

He felt stupid, here he was showing his own insecurities, like it was her job to make him feel better, now wasn't the time for that. It was time for her to find herself and that was it, his feelings didn't matter. It was wrong to ask that of her so soon. With a quick shake of his head he walked up the stairs leaving a very fragile Zoya behind him

"Are you mad at me" Zoya questioned as she reached their bedroom. He was showing all the signs of anger, she knew she should have answered the question, but she had been so stuck in her own thoughts.

"No" he stayed faced away from her "I don't think I could ever be mad at you" she hated how distant he sounded

She shuffled forward wanting to take away some of the physical distance atleast "In answer to your question"

"Don't" he bit out "It doesn't matter, it was a stupid question"

"You don't want me to stay anymore" she felt all hope diminish, her shoulders deflating, she knew she never should have got so taken in by his kind words. He had tired of her now, now where would she go?

"I do" he stood up "So very much, i've never wanted anyone as much as I want you, but I shouldn't have asked, it's too early" he reached out for her hand and raised it to his cheek

"I do, I do want to stay" Zoya couldn't help the smile that came to her lips

Aditya groaned "You smile so beautifully, is there anything about you that isn't beautiful"

She sucked in a harsh breath, he really did make her feel beautiful

Im cryinggggg again, scusi, this story has me in all the feels and i've only ever felt that way for Craving You! Did ya like it?

Shiny_seashells09 this is part one of your wish, part two follows right behind it and part three will be up soon, i'm counting this as 3 wishes because if everyone asked for 3 updates back to back per wish, I would be here forever! I hope you like it:) 12 wishes left:)

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