Part Five

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Aditya's POV-

I could still hear the screams as I sat in my bed. Moving next door to Zoya was never part of the plan, after meeting her at the mall I never expected to see her again, but fate had a different idea.

Her screams were soul shattering, loud and relentless, I couldn't sleep, I could barely breathe. The next morning when she walked out of the house covered in bruises, trying to look anywhere but at me, I knew something had to be done.

I looked over at Zoya as she twisted and turned beside me, then she let out a scream, sweat dripped into her hair as she gripped the sheets. I grabbed her, pulling her into my arms, rocking her until her sobs became heavy breaths on my neck

Zoya gripped my shoulders tightly, "I just, I just want to forget, I" her voice cracked as she sobbed again "I can still feel him" she whispered

My hands froze, what did she mean? Surely he hadn't? I could feel my blood boiling, I needed to get away, she couldn't see me like this or she would fear I was just like him. I moved her to the side slowly, trying to ignore the broken expression on her face as I stood up "I'll be back"


Zoya had led alone for what felt like hours, who on earth would want her, she was dirty, tainted and used. She hated herself for telling him, for letting it slip, maybe if she had kept it to herself he would still hold her like she was special again. He would keep the demons away, he would keep her safe.

But now, now none of that would happen, he would remain far from her. No longer touching her in ways that was so much more than physical. Every single time he had touched her she had felt peace, she had sensed home in his soft caress.

Aditya stood warily at the door, he was calmer now. He really needed to control his temper, especially when it came to matters like this. "I brought you hot chocolate" he placed it on the bedside table, awaiting her to sit up

She sniffed, the end of her nose a dark red, she gasped at his bruised knuckles. No, no, he had hit someone, he would hit her. "Away, get away from me" her voice was at an alarming pitch as she jumped from the bed

"Zoya, I, listen just calm down, look i'm not coming any closer, see" he held his hands up in hopes of reassuring her "I just needed to calm myself down, what you told me, it was just too much, I punched a wall, twice, that was it"

Zoya let out a soft sob "You really didn't hit someone"

He shook his head "No, I didn't mean to frighten you, look i'll leave, see" he stepped back

Her face dropped "Are you leaving because i'm tainted" her voice a harsh whisper

"No" he shouted making her flinch her hands covering her face "No, I would never think that, i'm angry, angry he did this to you, angry at myself for not being there, i'm not angry at you, I don't think you're tainted, you are my wife, thinking that someone forced you makes me feel sick, you deserve special, you deserve the best"

Zoya moved her hands slowly, eyes puffy and red from all the crying "So, you don't think i'm dirty"

"Oh Zoya" he grimaced "Please come here, you're breaking my heart"

She moved around the bed, stopping right infront of him her eyes fell on his hands, she held his wrist pulling him to the bed, then grabbed the cream he had used on her before. Zoya applied it on his knuckles, blowing on it as she did so. She knew the pain of self harm maybe a little too well. He was her saviour, she didn't want him to hurt

Aditya waited for her to look up at him "I'm meant to save you, not the other way around" the smile on his lips full of humour, he truly was blown away by her

"Save you" she pondered on the thought "How am I"

"By being you" he reached out to touch her then pulled back when she flinched again "I'm sorry Zoya"

Zoya wanted nothing more than to forget all her sorrows as she snuggled into him, he had said she didnt need to ask to touch him but she just wanted to be safe "May I"

Aditya looked at her as she sat slightly closer to him in the space between his legs "Of course" he closed his eyes at the sensation of her head upon his beating heart, she made him feel alive. He wrapped his arms around her as he led his head back against the headboard

Home was so much more than four walls, sometimes it was two arms wrapped around you. Zoya smiled at the thought, she had never had a home


"I have some bad news"

Zoya looked up half asleep

"I forgot, I have to fly to New York, tomorrow, i'll be gone for a few days, I would say come with me, but I know you don't have a passport so, would you like to stay here or go and see your father"

"I'll stay here" she pulled back slightly, it was a few days, why did she feel so upsett?

Aditya got up from the bed, pulling out keys from his jacket pocket and a box "I got these made for you, incase you wanted to go out and this" he placed the box beside her

Zoya looked at the keys, she had never been allowed her own set of keys, any house she lived in was never hers. "Thank you, this is, I can't thank you enough" it was a small gift but meant so very much to her. Lifting the lid of the box she gasped at the phone

"I knew you didn't have one" he scratched the back of his neck, a handsome smirk on his face "I bought it so we could stay in touch, if you want to" he felt nothing short of a lovesick puppy

Zoya smiled graciously at him "Thank you so so much" she stood up "No one has ever been so thoughtful" she felt slightly lost for words, he made her feel so special

Naww they cute! One more part will be uploaded tomorrow as I am very tired:) How do you think Zoya will cope without Aditya? Thoughts on the story so far?

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