Part Fourteen

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Zoya sat on the balcony. Her right arm crossed over her left, rubbing her arm gently as the wind blew her long curls up into the air with the plain white net curtain that draped over the window. She bit into her lip, warm tears spilling down her cheeks while her chin trembled.

It was like this. Some days were easier to pretend she hadn't been raped, other days it was the biggest reality of her life. Some days, her chest would become so tight and all she could smell was his aftershave clogging all her senses, sometimes she could swear his hands had left an imprint so hard on her skin that she could still feel them there. It was on days like this she was greatful that she couldn't have children, she didn't want to think of what could happen if she could.

Deep down, she wished she could be the wife Aditya deserved. His hands held magic that seemed to take away so much of her pain, he made her feel safe and the longer she spent around him, more new feelings were born within her. Her heart had never raced with excitement when Yash came home, but it did with Aditya. She had never wanted someone to hold her but she craved for the feeling of Aditya's arms around her.

But one day, he would realise that she was not worthy of his love, one day he would leave, and she would be alone once again. Zoya wasn't sure what it was, but he did something to her that made her look forward to waking up the next day, usually she never felt that way. But he truly did deserve better, she often thought about the fact that maybe walking away from him earlier on was the best thing to do. But honestly she felt selfish because she didn't want to.

Aditya walked into the bedroom, placing his jacket on the chair he looked up, she clearly hadn't realised his presence. Her voice was soft, exactly how you would imagine an angel's voice to sound

"Marke bhi na vaada apna todenge, ek dujhe ka saat kabhi na choddenge, apna toh sadiyon janamo ka naata hai, jaan se jaan ko kaun juda kar paata hai"

"You should sing more often"

Zoya jumped, turning back to face him "Oh, I, I didn't know you were there" she stood up, her cheeks red.

Aditya chuckled "I know, there's something I want to talk to you about"

"Am I in trouble" her chest hurt, what if this was where he said he didn't want to cope with her anymore? Then what would she do?

"No, no, listen, i'm always here for you, you know that but maybe you need someone who can understand your problems, someone who can help you get through them, so here, it's a counsellor's number, if you want, and only if you want to, call them, i'll pay"

She was a little confused. Surely it wasn't normal to be this kind, yet he still was. "I can't ask you to do that"

"I'm offering Zoya, now come on, I have a surprise" he held his hand out

She shook her head firmly "I, I don't like surprises, please" she remembered what a surprise usually meant for her and it never ended well.

"Okay, no surprises, it's a present, will you please come downstairs with me" his hand was still outstretched

"Okay" she whispered, taking his hand. She had to trust, not everyone was her enemy. Her eyes stopped roaming when she saw the little cage. "What's that"

"Go see, I thought that maybe you get lonely at home, so for when i'm out and all you have is the guards outside, then you'll have something to keep you busy"

Zoya opened the cage, and out ran a little ginger and white kitten. "Aw" she smiled "Thank you, i've always wanted a pet, what happens when we go home" she looked up

"Then she can come with us" Aditya felt happy that she had addressed his home as theirs. He looked on fondly as she picked up the kitten, holding it in her arms, rubbing its head as it purred.

Zoya allowed the kitten to run, then stood up "Thank you" she frowned, he always did such nice things for her, but she hadn't done anything for him. But she had no idea what to do. "When will we meet your Ma"

"Oh, today, if that's okay, or is it too early" he didn't want to rush her

"Today is perfect" she smiled


"Adi, how are you" Anjana hugged Aditya, then pulled back, slapping him with her bag "Would it kill you to visit more often"

Aditya rubbed his arm "I'm sorry Ma, i've been busy lately, but look, you begged me to find someone and I did" he stepped back, allowing Anjana to see Zoya

Anjana rushed forward "You're so beautiful, my boy always makes the right choice" she threw her head over her shoulder "Shy isn't she"

Zoya smiled up at her, it had been a long while since she had a mother figure in her life. She owed Aditya everything, he gave her things she had been too scared to dream about. She lifted her arms, hugging Anjana back, closing her eyes

Aditya smiled, the two women who meant the most to him were getting along.

Anjana shooed Aditya away "Let me spend some time with my daughter in law alone"

Zoya went to speak but Aditya shook his head. If they weren't married now, they would be one day.

She took the chance to ask Anjana about Aditya. She wanted to know him better, wanted to give him a surprise.

Anjana smiled "I think you are his biggest surprise, you make him very happy, and he deserves happiness, when he was young, our home was invaded, my husband and other son was killed, he worked from a young age to hold us up, you are his happiness, the biggest gift you can give him is you" she swiped away a tear "Sorry, i'm always so emotional"

Zoya gulped, Aditya had been hurt so much yet he was so strong. She had an idea what she could do, but it would require some money. How was she going to get it? She had some savings, would it be enough? She excused herself, dialling the number for her bank, and explained her situation.

"Ma'am it seems your father has put all of his money in your bank"

"What" she stopped, their banker had been a family friend for a while, never had her Abbu done anything like this in the past

"But doesn't Abbu need his money"

"Oh, Zoya, you haven't heard, i'm so sorry beti, your Abbu was found dead just a few days back"

The silence was eerie, her phone dropped from her hand, smashing into the sink. Her knees hit the floor, her head was heavy, spinning constantly before her whole body dropped to the floor in immense grief

I know this story seems very slow, especially in Zoya's emotions, but she's a very broken person and shutting the door on her abuse isn't anywhere near easy, so it will take some time. Also, I know Yash entering Aditya's house and attacking Zoya was unbelieveable, but it really isn't far from reality.
Abusive people will go to any extent to continue having the control they crave, it's sick and disgusting but it's reality, they don't expect to get caught and it gives them power.
Even with all of this, I promise Zoya and Aditya's journey will be a beautiful one, so thank you to those that have stuck through it all so far, there are still many more things to come and many more pieces to puzzle together.

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