Part Twenty Five

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Love. Beautiful and powerful, strong and unique, pleasant and not at all painful. That was normal love that others felt, that was not what Zoya knew love to be. If she said those three words out loud would it become her weakness as it did with Yash? She needed to move on and forget but she couldn't, because it would always remain a part of her, so much a part of her that she was scared if she allowed herself to forget for a while she would remain incomplete.

Her eyes trailed slowly over Aditya as he slept beside her, a smile rose on her lips when he stretched then opened his eyes "Morning"

Aditya looked up at her as she nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then sat up properly "Morning" he could still barely believe she had choosen to stay with him, but he wouldn't let her down anymore, he would love her so much that it would make up for those moments she deserved love but never got it, but he only had a day to do it.

Because today he knew his fate, he had made a promise to Zoya, to never kill again, and he wouldn't. Because he would never directly break her heart, her trust was precious, and if he refused to fight back against Pooja then he knew his fate. Rakesh had already sent him a message, refusing to meet him would only endanger Zoya. Today he would just love Zoya, bask in her presence and wish her strength for whatever came her way, she would be safe, that he would ensure.

"Shall I make breakfast"

"No, lets go out, come on up" he stood up and lifted her into his arms, her legs hung against his, chest pressed up against his and her arms wound round his neck, it dawned on him that this would be the last time he would hold her, the last time he would hear her giggle softly in his ear whenever he held her close. He put her down but still held her close, the corner of his mouth lifted when she placed her hands on his cheeks

"Thank you, i've never been out to eat before" her eyes glistened with delight before she walked around him, grabbed some clothes and moved to the bathroom

Aditya took this moment to close his eyes, living without her wasn't something he deemed possible, but dying and having her live without him? That he wasn't sure of, she was stronger now, so much stronger and of course she would never love him as much as he loved her, so he calmed himself. She would be okay. He wanted to say goodbye, leave something for her to find, she deserved that atleast.


Zoya glanced up from her food to see Aditya was looking away, as if a general reflex she reached out and squeezed his hand "Are you okay"

His eyes met hers and he smiled, beautiful eyes that always held warmth that managed to make him feel alive, that was the only way to explain it. Zoya made him feel alive. "When I have you, i'm always more than okay"

She shook her head, admonishing herself for being fearful that things wouldn't be okay "I feel the same, for once I feel, I feel okay, I feel happy, with you" she smiled, her cheeks tinged with pink "That's okay isn't it, for you to be the reason i'm happy" her voice was timid now, she was unsure

He had never intented to be her happiness, because when he died tonight, her happiness would fade and that wasn't acceptable, but he couldn't tell her that, instead he replied with half of what he wanted to say "For now, it's okay, but one day you'll have to find other things that make you happy"

She nodded "But you'll always be the first, the first thing that made me smile, I get it now"

"Get what" he raised a brow

"What love feels like"


Zoya stepped into their bedroom to see a bunch of flowers on the bed, lillies, they were her faviourate. She lifted them up, sniffing them she span around "You remembered" she whispered

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