Part Nine

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Hey, so I know you really want to get to the update, but i'd really appreciate it if you read this first.
The reason I initially started writing was because I wanted to give people a reason to smile, I wanted to send a message and make people look at things that maybe they wouldn't always.
From the feedback I receive, i'd like to say i'm well on the pathway to achieving what I want to achieve.

There is just something i'd like to say, I get messages and comments here and there from people who have related to the stories I write, and I guess what I want to say is, you're not alone.

The world can be a really dark place at times, and sometimes it can feel like you're alone, but you're not. I know I may just be some writer, well someone who is trying to be a writer, but from the bottom of my heart, I really do love and care for you all and if ever you need to talk then please do.

This has been a hard book to write, mostly because it brings back things for me, don't worry this isn't an attempt at sympathy, just an attempt to remove the stigma of people being vocal about abuse.

Because it happens, to more people than you'd like to think. I didn't ever want to be someone who would speak of my emotional difficulties but if it makes atleast one person seek help then it's veey worth it. I won't go into details, because I just don't think I can.

But once upon a time, I was four years old being diagnosed with depression, being shoved from one therapist to another and screaming everynight because of the nightmares I had. No one thought I would make it, not even me, but I did, and now i'll soon be in my 2nd year at University.

I got there, and even though my demons are far from gone, I believe that one day I will be strong enough to face them head on, help is out there, all you have to do is reach out. I was blessed to have a nan who became a parent to me when my mum couldn't due to her own issues and am now so much more blessed to have a mum, a nan and 3 beautiful sisters I see all the time and of course a beautiful best friend, so even when the darkest days arrive, I hold faith that the light will soon rise.

I don't want pity or sympathy, I am who I am because of it, I am stronger because of it and I survived. Hold faith, you will too. I forgave the person who hurt me, because it helped me move forward, and all I wish now is that he is happy, even if he never allowed me to be, and still doesn't but that's a story for another time. I still have a lot to work on but i'm on the way so that's a positive!

Enough with the emosh stuff, you may read now:). Thank you for those who took the time to read, it means a lot :)

Zoya inhaled heavily, her fingers covering her lips, who had done this? Who had hurt him this way? "I"

Aditya smiled "You came, for me" he grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly, he needed to know she was there by his side now more than ever. She was the only reason he lived, the only reason his heart beat, without her nothing had any point. Then he pushed his body up "You're fired"

Zoya gasped, shaking her head "No, it's okay, please" she didn't want someone to lose their job because of her, they were just doing their job and that was all

His eyes narrowed but he nodded "You're lucky she was here, now get out" he shouted, though injured and bedridden, Aditya Hooda was still a force to be reckoned with

Zoya didn't care for the tears that slipped down her cheeks, or the tremble that escaped her chapped lips. He was here, he was alive, but somebody had hurt him and it was all her fault. "I'm so sorry, I"

He looked up, confusion masking his handsome features "You have nothing to be sorry for, this wasn't your fault, come here" he flung out his left arm, wanting nothing more than to have her close

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