Part Ten

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Zoya sat outside Mahi's house, her hands in her lap, hair flying around her face in the wind "Mahi, where are you" she frowned, rubbing her arms with haste as the cold seeped through her thin shawl

She rose her head as she heard footsteps, beginning to stand up her whole body froze

"I'm just so glad to be able to put this act to an end, I hate having to act like I like Mahi, like I love her" Rajveer chuckled walking up the pathway

Zoya stepped back, hiding behind a large tree, the next voice she heard sent shivers down her spine

"And I can't wait to let Aditya and my wife know their marriage is fake, you can't marry my wife, when i'm still alive" Yash laughed loudly.

Zoya took a moment to take him in, he hadn't changed. He still wore those oversized sweaters, his glasses still firmly on his nose though his sight was perfect. Everything about him screamed innocent until it was his hand slamming down onto her body. Her body was shaking, she pushed her hand onto her mouth trying to mute her sobs that overwhelmed her body.

Zoya was far from free from the demons of her past. She waited for them to walk inside before she ran, out of the estate and up the busy roads, her feet heavy on the floor, her breathing rapid as she grabbed onto a tree, her upper body bending over as she threw up. She fell back against it, her body hitting the floor as she let out a scream


Zoya wiped away her tears quickly as Aditya opened the door. This beautiful man with the kindest soul was going to be taken away from her and she knew Yash would kill him. She just knew. Nothing fit in her head, why had Rajveer played Mahi like that, how was Yash still alive?

Aditya frowned "You okay, you were gone for a while, did you have fun with Mahi" he sat on the bed slowly, his face pale as he tried to get comfortable

Zoya nodded, smiling "How are you, do you need anything"

He threw his head back "Nothing" his breathing hoarse, the muscles in his neck tensing as he shuffled again "Just come here"

Zoya didn't waste a moment before climbing towards him, who knew how long she had left with him before she was taken away yet again. Maybe she could speak to Yash, ask him to spare Aditya's life. She had no doubt who had attacked him, and it was all her fault

"You know, my Ma called today, asking after you, she is so excited to meet you" he smiled, his eyes still closed "But she lives in Germany, I took the liberty of getting you a passport but if you aren't ready we don't have to go yet"

Zoya sat up straight, if they were in Germany, Yash couldn't find them and then maybe they could get away for a while atleast so she could keep him safe "I do, I want to go, but you can't tell anyone where we are going"

"Why, Zoya is something worrying you"

She shook her head "Please Aditya, I just want it to be for us"

His heart raced at her words, his eyes opened slowly "Okay, it will be just us" he held her hand, pressing a kiss to it before lifting his phone "Book two flights to Germany, if anyone asks, we're in Australia, oh and book two flights to London"

Zoya frowned "So many flights, why"

"You don't want anyone to know where we are, if they do look, they'll think we're in London" he smiled, he knew she wasn't going to tell him what scared her so much but clearly something had and he had to keep her safe at all costs

Zoya smiled up at him, how was she ever going to apologise for putting his life at risk? Would he ever forgive her? She knew she belonged with Yash, Aditya was but a dream, a small taste of freedom that she didn't deserve and would never ever achieve.

Aditya pulled himself off of the bed "Pack some clothes, i'll be back"

Zoya jumped up from the bed "Wait, where are you going"

"To work" he smiled

"Well, i'll come with you" she knew if he was alone and got attacked again he had no chances of survival

"Sorry, it's not the best place, i'll be back in two hours" he opened the bedroom door, something was definitely up with her "That is unless you want to tell me what's wrong"

Zoya shook her head "Nothing is wrong, will you have those bodyguards with you again"

He laughed "No, of course not, I" he raised a brow, doing his tie with one hand "Do I need them"

Zoya grabbed his hand "You got attacked, if it happens again, then I, then I won't know what to do" her eyes were teary "I don't have much in my life, please come home safely"

Aditya pulled her to him, she was worried about his safety, she was too kind. This whole time that was what had got her upsett. He shook his head at the thought of someone caring for him that much. "I'll be home"


Aditya stood tall in the dark room, the only source of light was the crackling bulb swinging from the ceiling. "So, got any information for me" he tapped his foot

The man looked up, sweat and blood poured down his face "I'm sorry boss, I am, please"

Aditya raised his left hand, holding a pistol to the man's head "I don't have time for your shit today, just tell me simply, what information you have for me"

"Rajveer sir, Rajveer organised the hit"

He pulled the trigger, the bullet hit straight through the man's head "Pity, pity you couldn't just tell me that, double crossing me never works out well" he handed the gun to a guard "Who's next"

Waseem was brought in, and thrown to a chair "Aditya, what have I done now"

Aditya shook his head "Is it true you sold Zoya to Yash"

Waseem's face paled "No, no, I please"

"I'm asking you a question" Aditya sat back onto a chair, stretching out his legs

"It was a mistake, I shouldn't have, but I needed the money"

Aditya stood up "Don't double cross me Waseem, the only reason you're still here is because of Zoya, if I ever find out you are, I wont hesitate to send a bullet straight through your skull"

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