Part Sixteen

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Aditya limped up the corridor, his right hand lying upon his ribs "Zoya wait"

Zoya span around "Aditya, you shouldn't be out of bed" she rushed back to him, gripping his arms to steady him

"I don't want you to go" his eyes were misty, it was like glancing up into the sky when a storm was due. "Please Zoya, if you wanted to leave because you didn't want to be with me, then I would let you go, leaving me wont make Yash and Rajveer stop, it will just make me stop fighting back"

She gasped, placing a hand over his mouth. She didn't want to think what would happen if he just gave up. "I can't lose someone else" her lip trembled "I can't" she whispered

"You won't" he cupped her cheeks "Just stay Zoya, just stay, none of this is worth it if you're not by my side, when will you see that it's him that paints a picture that you are to blame, but how, how could you be to blame when you're not the person who does it, people like him are weak, they'll find anyone to blame, but they will never accept their faults themselves"

Zoya pushed her arms underneath his, her fingers gripped his shoulders with all the strength she could muster from her small form, her eyes shut tightly, sobs releasing as muffled screams against his shoulder. Her shoulders shook so hard Aditya had to tighten his grip on her waist just to ensure she didn't knock them both over. "Why, why is it me, am I not, am I not" she sobbed again, nails digging into the light blue of the hospital gown "Enough" she sniffed, her nose red as she burried her face into the crook of his neck "All I, all I ever did was love, I thought, I thought" another sob wracked her body leaving her unable to talk again. Her cheeks felt sore as the tears left stains down her now pale skin

"Sh, it's okay Zoya, let it out" Aditya didn't know what to say or what to do, so he held her, like his life depended on it. The waves of emotion were crashing around them and he was the only one who could hold her above it, he wouldn't let her drown

She pulled back, a pout on her lips "Am I enough, for" she placed a hand on his cheek, her eyes met his "For you, am I enough for you Aditya" she had seeked this warmth her whole life, she wanted to be enough for someone, she wanted to be selfish, she wanted his love, for once she felt special, from being a nobody to the world, he made her feel like somebody

"More than enough" he blinked away the tears in his own eyes "All my life i've searched for someone like you, you complete me, you're all I have ever wanted"

The smile on her face was truly the light of his life, it often took his breath away. "Okay, we need to get you back in bed, you need to rest"

He allowed her to walk him back to the room and lie him down, he smiled at Anjana who looked relieved.


"If I do, will you still be here" the ache in his chest making a swift return at the thought that maybe she wouldn't be.

"I won't leave again, I promise" Zoya meant it with all her heart, this was home, this was where she belonged.

"Good" he led back, closing his eyes "You should sleep to" he opened one eye to see she had already fallen asleep on the armchair, a ghost of a smile on her lips made him smile too


Anjana opened the door quietly, waving at Aditya who pointed to Zoya who was still asleep. "How are you feeling" she pressed a kiss to his forehead

"Like i've been hit by a truck" he smiled "You"

"I'm just glad you're alive and safe, but about Yash and Rajveer, we need a plan, bailing you out of prison is easy for me, you know that, but we've got to get this problem sorted before people start to get suspicious" she looked over at Zoya to ensure she was still asleep

Aditya nodded "I'll finish it, don't worry"

She nodded "Good, I know how to set it out, contact me before you make your plans"

He nodded "Thanks Ma"

"Anything for you" she smiled "I have some business to sort" she pulled a gun from her handbag, pushing the bullets in it "See you later, call me if you need me"


Aditya walked out of the bathroom, he turned away from the bed, gripping the cabinet for support as tears made their way down his cheeks. There was a rawness to his emotional pain, every new tear was like another layer of strength being pulled from him. He pushed his fist into his mouth, hoping to restrain his sobs, but when the pain hit, it hit hard and soon he was leaning over, the sobs so loud it made his throat burn with the pressure.

Zoya walked inside the hospital room, her eyes wide as she walked over to him, she raised her hand to rest it on his shoulder, only to have the breath knocked out of her as he swept her into his arms, holding her so tightly she could barely breathe, though she didn't mind

"I thought you had gone" he muttered, not realising when his sobs had calmed to mere shaky breaths

Zoya could physically feel her heart breaking, she cupped his face, bringing it up to face her own, "I promised didn't I" then she pressed her lips to his.

Though it was nothing more than a feather light kiss, it made Aditya lose his footing slightly in shock

"Sorry, I shouldn't have"

"You should have, i'm all yours Zoya, don't feel bad for kissing me" he chuckled

She blushed, moving away slightly "Shall we go home"

"Lets" he nodded, happy she was starting to accept that a life with him was also her life too

Is this story too emosh? Because I am not sure! So! I could finish this story in 1-2 chapters, or I have another idea of a plot I could bring into it. What do you guys think?

I have a weird feeling that Arshad hit Adi on purpose so she would realise the love she clearly has for Adi? But I dunno, if i'm right you all owe me chocolate, if i'm wrong then uh, im running away

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