Part Seventeen

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Anjana looked down at her watch, then looked up at Rajveer and Yash. "You've made a lot of trouble for my son, so much trouble infact that I really have no choice but to kill you" she sighed heavily, sitting down "It didn't have to come to this, it really didn't"

Aditya pushed the bullets into his 22 caliber pistol, his fingers ran across the glossy gold coat "This gun is my faviourate, I only use it on special occasions, so lets talk, the news will say that Rajveer found out Yash faked his death, after trying to get him, he pushed him to the ground, only to be shot in the shoulder, a few inches above his heart, wanting to do the right thing he pulled the trigger and shot Yash right between the eyes before falling to the floor and dying, Rajveer truly was a man who cared most about his country's safety above all"

Rajveer let out a snarl "You'll never get away with this" he tries to stand up only to be pushed back onto the chair by a burly man who is glaring down at him

"Oh won't I" Aditya laughed "Cut his arm on that nail there"

Rajveer was pulled up, his arm scratched across the nail, blood poured down his arm "You sick"

"Shhh" Anjana put a gloved finger on her lips, digging her nail into his arm she smiled when he hissed "It's only to wipe on Yash's injuries, i'm sure it doesn't hurt that badly" she pouted

Aditya stood infront of Yash, Rajveer's blood on his gloved hand as he punched him in the face, a sickening crack of Yash's nose brought a smile to Aditya's face, the blood that ran down his mouth made Yash choke

"Zoya was so good, just so good to me, I bet she thinks of me when she's led in bed with" Yash was cut off when Aditya pushed his fist into his stomach

"Don't talk about her, don't even think about her" Aditya growled lifting the gun

Anjana pulled him away "Adi we don't have space for mistakes, please put it down"

Aditya grumbled under his breath before wrapping Yash's fingers around the gun "Shoot him, and i'll let you run, you may even get away" he whispered lowly before stepping back

Yash looked down at the gun, then back at Aditya. He lifted the gun pointing it at Rajveer

"Are you stupid, he won't let you" his body jolted forward at the impact of the bullet, his eyes teary as he reached for a gun in one of the guards pockets, he held it up shooting Yash who fell to the ground just by the door. Rajveer shot again, standing up he gripped his arm, wacking the gun around Yash's head then shot him again, he fell back against a wall, breathless

Anjana nodded "You both just did exactly what we knew you would, there's no one to help you here, you'll die, all alone, this was fun while it lasted, but" she rose her gun "We must be leaving now" she stepped over Yash's body as the guards followed

Rajveer aimed his gun at Aditya, his vision was blurry as he shot the gun, it ricochet against the wall and hit into a window

Aditya turned back to face him "You missed" he looked down at Yash "Bye" he turned towards a man "Keep an eye on this place, you need to call the police when Rajveer is dead" he tapped the mans arm before walking towards his car


"Zoya" Aditya called, placing his keys on the table "Zoya"

"In here" her voice was slightly muffled


"In, woah" she waved her arms around, her foot slipping back she closed her eyes tightly waiting for the impact, only to feel two strong arms wrapped around her

"Hello Zoya" he chuckled

"Hello" she squeaked "I couldn't reach the um" she blushed, "Sorry, how was your day"

"I had a good day today" he turned, walking with her in his arms

"Wait, where are you taking me" she gripped his arm, looking back at the mess on the side, she sighed heavily

"I wanted to talk" he sat down on the sofa, moving his arms so she could move away, an expression of surprise coloured his face when she stayed sat on his lap

"Oh, what about, if I did something wrong then"

Aditya placed his index finger over her lips "No, you never do, I just wanted to talk about normal things, how are you, how was your day"

"Oh, um, i'm good, my day was good, how are you, oh wait, I wanted to show you something" she jumped up, running up the stairs

She seemed to be more relaxed and more happier, maybe this was the end of their bad times. He peered his head around Zoya, she was hiding something behind her back

She shuffled forward, holding out the wrapped box "Um, I know that because of Yash, we never actually got married, so I thought to give you this, so you know that it doesn't matter to me, because in my eyes you are the best husband a woman could dream of"

Aditya raised a brow, unwrapping the small box, he lifted the lid to show a plain silver band, inside was Zoya's name.

"I didn't um know what you liked, but uh, I wanted to give it to you, so you know that one day, i'd like to marry you" she stood patiently waiting for Aditya to reply

Instead, he twirled the ring around his finger, his head was lowered. He looked up "So, you'll marry me someday"

Zoya nodded "If you still want to, it's okay if you don't like it or if you've changed your mind then I can just take it back"

"No" he stood up, pushing it on his finger "This is the nicest present anyone has ever got me, i'm sorry, I struggle with explaining how I feel, but this means more to me than anything I have, thank you" he kissed her hand "Every day you make me love you more" he ran his thumb across her cheek

Zoya went to reply when her phone rang "Hello"

"Zoya, turn on the TV, you need to watch the news"

"Mahi, what's wrong, are you crying, i'll do it now, just hold on" she switched the TV on

"Yash Arora who was reported to have been murdered months ago was found dead on a deserted road, it seems CBI Officer Rajveer Khanna got into a fight with him while trying to reprimand him, in a twisted turn both men ended up dying, we would like to thank Rajveer Khanna for always offering an outstanding duty of care to his country and it's people"

Zoya switched the TV off, her face now pale "Mahi, I, I don't know what to say, i'm so sorry"

"No, none of this is your fault, i'm so sorry he ever came back, i'm so glad he's gone, I knew my husband's job, it was part and parcel of marrying him, I just" her voice cracked "I miss him Zoya, I really do, but i'll be okay, I just wanted you to know, I have to go speak to his family, i'm so sorry Zoya" she whispered before cutting off

Zoya allowed the phone to drop from her hands "Rajveer wasn't a good man, he wasn't now the whole world thinks he was, he could have killed you and" she wiped away a tear angrily

"Hey, it's okay Zoya, it's over now, look at me, see, i'm fine, we're fine"

"But why, why kill him, they were friends" she glanced up at him

"I guess bad people like them can never be trusted, it was only going to be a matter of time before they became eachothers enemy"

Zoya didn't reply. Had everything came to an end so easily, was it really over? It didn't seem real. Who was she now? When she wasn't the woman running from her past, who was she? She had no identity, no job, no real life other than Aditya. Was this really the start of freedom?

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