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.          .Percy's POV.      .
With the money Celeste's Aunt gave us, we have managed to cover half of the distance we needed but we are still almost out.

Annabeth is asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. Will and Nico sure in front of us talking in hushed tones and behind us, Celeste and Pollux carry a light hearted conversation.

In the back of the truck we decided that we will ask Celeste what in Hades went on today.

"All those getting of in Guymon Oklahoma please get off at the next stop."

I shake Annabeth awake and we shuffle out once the bus stopped.

"Alright, we're to next?" Nico yawns.

"We can go get something to eat. I mean, it is about nine and we haven't had something to eat since the truck. Even then we just had a few breath mints." Annabeth pulls the money out of her pocket and counts it.

Nico snickers, "Yeah, you all needed it. You smelled like something crawled into your mouth and died," Will flicks the back of his head. "Jeez, can't take a joke."

I clap my hands, "That sound good to everybody?"

A chorus of agreement goes through the group and they start arguing about the place. Nico keeps demanding McDonald's and is fusterated that we keep denying.

"Okay, we are divided. Celeste, you have to make a decision. McDonald's or Wendy's?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sounds good."

We turn to Celeste and stare at her. She doesn't even notice when Pollux walks up to her and says her name softly. She is staring across the street, her lips pursed.

Pollux gently places his hand on her shoulder and she screams, jumping around with wild eyes.

Pollux raises his hands, "Whoa easy there. We just wanted to know McDonald's or Wendy's?"

Celeste casts a look around the street, "Wendy's,"

Nico groans I send him a glare before softening my gaze and turning back to Celeste. "Hey are you okay?"

Celeste snaps, "I'm fine." Before brushing past us too Wendy's.

We share a glance and  follow behind her, a silent agreement to trap her in the booth and demand answers.

We order and slide into the booth. Annabeth, me and Pollux on one side, on the other Nico, Will, and Celeste.

Celeste is jumpy, her eyes gliding back and forth, like she expects an attack.

I take a deep breath, "Celeste-"

Her eyes snap to mine and she spits, " Do not,"

I sigh, "Celeste, we are worried about you."


Annabeth clears her throat, "Celeste we just need some things explained. Like for starters, how did you know that car was coming?"

She looks out the window, "I think I can get glimpses of the future from time to time,"

"Well that doesn't explain why you stepped out into the road. Or why we couldn't get through to you. Oh and why were your feet trapped in earth?" I tap my fingers, waiting for the food to come.

Celeste let's out a strangled gasp. "You couldn't- my feet?" She pales and looks down at the table.

Nico looks at her, his face devoid of any emotion, "Has she been talking to you?" When Celeste doesn't respond, Nico slams his hand on the table, "Has she!"

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