No Bacon? That's Rude

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Hey guys!! I updated THE MISSING PART chapter so for those of you who haven't read it it's there for you too go back too. Again, I'm sorry that happened but enjoy now!

......Pollux's POV......
I couldn't sleep that night, and I doubted I was the only one who couldn't.  I half expected to be woken up by people screaming about Gaea.

I throw my covers off and toss on some clothes before heading to breakfast.

I sit down at my table between Percy and Nico. "Hey guys, how she doing?"

"Not much change. Just got outta there." Will shrugs.

I nod and poke my eggs.

"Hey Pollux," I feel a tug on my shirt and look behind me, "When your done eating can you go with me and Eliana too visit Celeste?" Kayden smiles.

"Sure." I throw my scraps into the fire and bid goodbye to the others. "So what do you got there?"

Kayden looks down at the bundle in his hand, "I'm bringing her breakfast!"

I smile, "That's so thoughtful, I'm sure she'll be happy."

I share a look with Eliana. She gives me a sad smile. I can't imagine what she is going through. She was dead, then she wasn't. That's got to be a shock to anyone. I just hope that she'll talk to someone if she needs too. Celeste hardly did. The night we had dinner in my cabin, but other than that she kept quiet.

Celeste always tried to do things one her own before trying to get any help. If we were normal it wouldn't be a problem, but as a demigod we have to help each other. Celsete wanted to make things easier for us and in her mind if she died and we lived it was worth it.

I have to admit her courage to let Gaea possess her was amazing, but I wish she would have waited longer. We would have figured it out.

When we walk in, I can't help but wince at the sight of her. Celeste has her hand, her stomach, and her head bandaged. Little beads of red stand out amongst the white gauze.

Eliana purses her lips as Kayden walks to her side, "I brought some breakfast for you!"

I open my mouth to talk but I can't say anything. Eliana grabs my hand.

"Kayden said he had a dream where she woke up. I pray to the gods that it's true."























...... Celeste's POV......
I felt empty, I felt heavy, I felt like their was a void inside me, and most importantly I felt like I ate a mud pie.

Voices swarmed around me, and try as I might, I couldn't understand what I was hearing. I felt people squeeze my hand, and I tried to squeeze back but I couldn't.

I saw pictures, in the haze. A sword. Blood. The death of my husband at my child's hands. The death of my children at their child's hands.

That's not right. That's not me. That's her. Get out of my head! Get out! Get out! GET-

My train of thought broke off as a pain shot through my head. I wanted to curl up in a ball but I couldn't move, couldn't talk.

The only thing I could do was wait. So that's what I did. Eventually, the pain wore down and voices became clearer. I could hear them and I knew who they were.

I wanted to know how long I was like this so I started to count how many people came in.

Nico. Pollux. Percy and Annabeth. Will. Pollux, Kayden, Eliana. Will. A few campers, sometimes siblings, sometimes people I barley talked to. Will. Pollux. Eliana. Eliana. Pollux. Will. Nico, Percy and Annabeth. Annabeth. Pollux and Kayden.

The names eventually grouped together and I had no clue whose voice was who's.

I don't know how much longer I was out before I felt someone pushing my hair back. They were talking to me. I wanted to listen, they sounded sad, but I couldn't focus for to long.

"Please come back."

The sentence so simple jarred me, and I could feel my muscles ready to cooperate.

So I focused and I tried to move my fingers at first. I heard the sound of joy and felt a warm hand engulf mine.

"Eliana, grab her other hand. I think she's coming too."

This time a smaller hand takes my other one and I focus on then.

"Celeste!" Another voice yells, "Wakey wakey, eggs and bacy!"

The corners of my mouth tug up. I swallow and croak, "I will be sad if no bacon."

Well, at least that's what I tried to say, who knows if it was.

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