Guns and Roses

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Mena's POV

"Come on, Ximena!" I spat at the ground, irritated with myself. "Puta, levanta!" My eyes glared at Renee, my personal trainer. I was pretty fit already, but my dad thought I needed some more exercise. Damn him.

"Renee, I swear to God you better stop insulting me or I'll do what I did to Jose to you." He merely snorted and shrugged.

"I don't care what you will do. I just need you to get up." I reluctantly obeyed, and without warning, I tried to punch the bastard, but he just kicked me to the floor. It was gonna be a long day.


"You look like you've been beaten with a stick." Aleks Adams stood outside the gym, lying across his beaten up Camaro. He brushed his white blond hair out of his clear grey eyes, creating the mysterious edge to them. His skin was nicely tanned, a result of hanging out on the pier day after day, and his physique was pretty nice. All together, he could have been considered "sexy" to anyone but me. For some reason, I couldn't see him like that. It felt...wrong, like I was betrayed the ONE or something. It was so weird.

"Hey, stranger." He opened the passenger door for me, motioning for me to get in. I complied, and he jumped in the driver's seat and started up the car.

"So, Mena, how was the workout?" I groaned and muttered,

"Wonderful. The trainer loves to kick me to the ground and curse at me. If only my dad didn't forbid me to kill Renee..." Aleks chuckled softly and said,

"Girl, you're here to get fit, not to take out poor Renee." I glared at him while he laughed. The real reason he went me here was for me to learn respect. I had gotten in a fight with a girl at school, and I had "accidentally" punched a teacher trying to break up the fight. According to dad, I needed to learn how to distinguish "work" and "school". Whatever that means; the way I see it is that if anyone manages to piss me off, that's reason enough to put them back into their place. My motto was "Kick first, think later" for a reason.

"It's not like you would understand, Aleks. Your parents are super sweet and nice, and they don't care what you do. I mean, you run with a gang for God's sake!" He braked sharply, causing the cars behind us to beep their horns at us. My head hit the dashboard, and a nasty expletive left my lips. "ALEKS!" I looked at my friend and could see fiery anger in his eyes. Oh, great, I've pissed him off.

"You think I'm in some stupid gang!?" That's what set him off? I just shrugged at him and asked,

"Yeah...don't you? I see you running around with those guys all the time." His grey eyes were dark with anger; for the first time, I was concerned. Growing up in a Male dominated house, I grew accostumed to recognizing a man's anger, but I wasn't used to seeing my best friend blow up. I couldn't care less that he was in a gang; we were in New York City. It wasn't uncommon for anyone to get recruited, especially Aleks. When his nostrils stopped flaring, he finally spoke again in a tight voice.

"Mena, I'm not in a gang; those are just friends of mine. We like roaming the city, straightening any trouble makers." I raised my eyebrow at him but didn't comment. What bullshit. Anywho, it wasn't my business anyway. I shrugged and said,

"Ok. Anyway, let's got to the mall. I wanna get something from Michaelangelo." He gave me a wary look as he sighed.

"Mena, are you sure you want to do this? If it was anyone but him, I would be ok, but-"

"I'm sorry, but what the hell do you have against him?" Aleks looked uncomfortable at me as he whispered,

"You know, your father kicked him out for a reason." That did it. One moment, I was sitting in the passengers seat, the next I was throttling him. Thankfully, he had already pulled over by now, but hell, even if he was driving, I would have still done it.

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