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  ((These songs have nothing to do with the story, I just like these songs))

 A group of 11 boys were walking down the street late at night. They laughed and talked about the long day they had. These boys were named, Taeyong, Johnny, Jaehyun, Lucas, Yuta, Taeil, Hansol, Jaemin, Jeno, Mark and Jisung. As they passed a small alleyway Mark overheard the sound of crying making him frown a bit.

"Guys... do you hear that?" He asked as he came to a stop.

He stared into the dark alleyway. Hearing the crying getting louder. The others stopped and approached the alleyway with Mark. Johnny pulled up his phone and turned on the flashlight. They saw a small, very thin boy with curly bleach blonde hair. He had been stripped down to his underwear and had cuts and bruises covering his body. He was crying and shivering violently.

He let out a scream once the light was shone on him making him fall backwards and shield his eyes from the bright light. That was when they realized that he had dog ears and a curly dog tail that laid flat beside him. Without any kind of warning, Jisung stepped forward.

"Hey~ Are you alright?" Jisung asked.

The boy looked at him fearfully as he continued to shake.

"It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you..." Jisung assured "Are you cold?"

The little pup nodded.

Jisung removed his sweater, leaving him in a black shirt and jeans. He took the sweater and put on the shivering stranger in front of him. Jisung helped him up, letting the sweater drape down to the boys mid thigh.

"Come on, I'll take you to my place and get you cleaned up" Jisung said.

But the boy shook his head.

"Is something wrong?" Jisung asked.

"I... can't... leave... m-my... f-f-friends" the puppy stuttered out.

"Friends?" Jisung asked.

The dog nodded and took Jisung's hand, leading him over to a pile of boxes....

and behind it lyes seven more boys that were mixed with different animals, each in terrible condition, just like the boy beside Jisung.

"Hyungs! You've gotta see this!" Jisung shouted.

Sure enough, the other ten boys rushed over seeing the tarnished boys.

"Oh my god..." Yuta mumbled after a while.

"B-baby..." Jaemin muttered, on the verge of tears.

Jeno jugged him and allowed his boyfriend to cry into his chest.

"Who would do such a thing?..." Taeil asked sorrowfully.

"Someone sick and twisted." Johnny replied, kneeling in front of one of them.

This boy had darker skin, black hair, and had black cat ears and a tail. He gave the boy a small pat, which stirred him awake.

"Come here." He said in a hushed voice "We're gonna get you outta here okay?"

The cat leaned forward into Johnny's arms curling up against him for warmth. Taeyong took off his own jacket and wrapped it around the boy. The kitten snuggled into it enjoying the heat while it lasted. Johnny stood up holding him bridal style.

Jaemin had stopped crying now and kneeled in front of a boy with fox ears and a big fluffy tail. He looked back Jeno with pleading eyes after he had given the skinny boy his coat. Jeno sighed and lifted up the Fox in his arms. Jeno looked at him and cooed at how cute he was.

"I know.. isn't he precious?" Jaemin asked, looking at the boy in Jeno's arms adoringly.

Jeno smiled and nodded, not taking his eyes off of the boy.

Meanwhile, Yuta was currently holding a blonde kitten in his arms that was wrapped in Taeil's sweater. Both of them stared him, mesmerized.

"He's so... pretty..." Yuta mumbled.

"Indeed he is..." Taeil confirmed.

Not long after, all the others were holding one of these animal, human mixes, including Jisung who was holding the little pup from before.

And so the 11 boys caried the 8 guys all the way to their house.

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