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     The tiny little animals were all at bay (surprisingly) in changkyuns large room

     Chenle was chewing on Kun's ear, Changkyun was playing with Jungwoo and Ten, RenJun and Sicheng were cuddling and Doyoung and Donghyuk were play fighting.

    Minhyuk walked passed the room and smiled a bit.

    "Yah!" he snapped his fingers to get their attention.

    All of them looked at him.

    "Not too rough okay?" he said.

    The hybrids nodded.

     Minhyuk nodded "Dinner will be done soon"

    He left after that.

     "Do you like your hyungs?" Chenle asked with the tilt of his head.

     "I love them!" Changkyun beamed "They're my mates!"

     "Mates?" Donghyuk asked.

    "Yeah!" Changkyun replied.

     "What's a mate?" RenJun asked.

     "A mate is... someone you love a whole lot!" Changkyun replied,

     "Does that mean you guys are my mates?" Jungwoo asked.

     "No... a mate someone you love in a special way... like... you wanna kiss them" Changkyun said.

     Kun nodded "And then something special happens!"

     "Have you found your mate Kun?" Changkyun asked.

     "I think so... but we're not mated.... but... I love him" Kun explained.

     "Wait, how do you mate someone?" Donghyuk asked,

     "You kiss them on the lips! Then you have a really strong bond! That means you're mated. You get this weird feeling and you know they're your mate. But if you're 19 or older... then... something else happens..." Changkyun explains.

     "Like what!?" Chenle asked excitedly.

    "Nothing, guys, it's adult stuff" Doyoung said.

    "EW!!" the three youngest exclaimed.

     Jungwoo looked away, feeling giddy inside.

     "Okay! Okay! Anyway! Do you guys think you have mates?" Changkyun asked.

     "I think I have two...." Ten muttered.

     "Ten..." Chankyun said.

     Ten lowered his ears, feeling ashamed.

     "Ten, I have six" Changkyun chuckled.

     The hybrids laughed.

     "Who do you think it is?" Jungwoo asked.

     "Taeyong and Johnny" Ten replied.

    "I think Hansol is my mate" Kun said.

    "I'm almost certain that Jaehyun is mine..." Doyoung said.

    "I-I think mine are Taeil and Yuta" Sicheng blushed.

     The four youngest were a bit nervous to say.

     "Uhm... I think... it's Yukhei for me..." Jungwoo said slowly.

     "M-Mark" Donghyuk mumbled.

     "Jisungie!" Chenle beamed.

     "..... jeno and jaemin" Renjun said very quietly.

     "That's so cuuute!" Chankyun squealed.

     The hybrids laughed again.

     "You and your mates are cute too!" Chenle added.

    "I know" Changkyun laughed.

     The hybrids erupted into another fit of laughter.

     "Anyway, Changkyunie hyung, I know we think they're our mates but how can we be sure?" Ten asked.

     Changkyun grinned....

     "There's only one way to find out..."

Stray ((NCT hybrid AU))Where stories live. Discover now