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((I love this song ; - ;))

     Jungwoo held Yukhei's hand as he was skipping. Jisung and Chenle were ahead of them, talking. Yukhei turned and looked Jungwoo as he was happily skipping around.

Jungwoo felt him staring and looked at him giving him a big smile. Yukhei chuckled and kissed Jungwoo's cheek.

Jungwoo giggled and looked down to hide his blush.

"Yah~ You're so cute~" Yukhei chuckled.

Jungwoo's ears perked up as he looked at something. He took in a dramatic gasp.

"Chenle look!" He beamed, pointing over at a shop.

It was a bakery with all kinds of sweets. Jungwoo smiled brightly at Yukhei and bounced on his heels exited your waiting for an answer.

Yukhei sighed know he couldn't say no to that face. He nodded at him making him squeal and drag him over to the shop with Chenle by his side. Jungwoo and Chenle looked at all the treats with sparkling eyes. They picked out a few each.

They happily left with a bag full of treats.

"You guys can have one after lunch okay?" Yukhei smiled.

"Yes Yukhei-nim~" Jungwoo sang.

Jungwoo had started calling him 'nim' recently.

"I told you, you can just call me Yukhei" Yukhei said.

"But... aren't you my owner?" Jungwoo asked.

Yukhei hummed "Think of me more as a friend... that you should listen to.."

Jungwoo nodded and leaned his head on Yukhei's shoulder. Yukhei tried to ignore his rapid heart beat but that was easier said than done.


Jisung had taken a picture while they weren't looking. Chenle giggled at him.

"Yah!" Yukhei yelled, though he was grinning.


Kun was walked along side Hansol, having his hands behind his back. Both of them pretty quiet and calm the whole time. Neither of them of them minded it though. It was a comfortable silence. Hansol turned and looked down at Kun. Kun caught his gaze and stared back.

As the were too caught up staring at each other, Kun bumped into something and tripped over his own feet. As he was falling backwards, Hansol caught him by the waist. They both stared at each other being stuck in the awkward dipping position.

Kun stared at Hansol wide eyed as his face grew red... really red. Hansol blushed too as the stared at each other. Snapping out of their trance, Hansol stood back up, pulling Kun with him. Both of them stood in a now awkward silence, staring at their feet. Neither of them realized that Hansol was still holding Kun's waist.

Hansol cleared his throat and finally spoke up.

"W-We should uhm-k-keep-keep going" Hansol stuttered.

Kun giggled. Hansol looked at him confused.

"Your stutter is cute" he smiled.

"R-really? I-I-I thinks i-it's annoying" Hansol muttered, still embarassed.

Kun shook his head.

"It's cute" he said, matter of factly "Were you born with it?"

Hansol nodded, rubbed the back of his neck. They fell back into silence. Kun leaned up and pecked Hansols cheek before taking his hand.

"Lets go" he said.

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