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     The hybrids were all sat in the living room, curled up together to take a nap. Their owners had just gone out to get groceries, leaving the hybrids alone. So they all decided to sleep. They all drifted off to sleep, all but one.

     Donghyuk laid on top of Doyoung who held him tightly, just like always. Donghyuk had his eyes closed and was about to fall asleep when-


     Donghyuk's eyes reopened and he looked around tiredly. He heard another crash and sat up this time looking around. All of the others were still sleeping. Donghyuk stood up and looked around to see if anyone was home. 

     "Hyungs?" He called.

     No response. 

     He pouted and walked forward. He looked at the stairs, but no one was up there. He walked into the kitchen, looking left and right. He still couldn't find anyone.


     Donghyuk jumped, nearly screaming. He contained himself so his hyungs (plus Chenle) could sleep. He followed the noise to the front door. He heard the sound again. It sounded like something knocking on the other side of the door. 

      Donghyuk looked through the peephole. There was someone there. He heard the door knob begin to rattle and looked at it then, came another thud. The person was try to get inside. He hummed in confusion and grabbed his phone, calling Mark.


     "Hyung, did one of you guys come home?" 


     "Hmm. Someone's outside" Donghyuk said simply.


     "Mhm, someone's outside banging on the door. Should I open it?"

     "No! No, no, no, don't open the door!"

     "But~... They seem like they really get in... I think I should open the door."

     "No! Donghyuk, listen to me okay? Get the others, tell Kun what's happening and Don't. Open. The. Door. N O O N E goes outside okay?"

     "Mmmmm~... okay fine"

     "Good boy. Now get your hyungs, we're on our way back home"

     "Okay~ Love you hyung~"

     "...L-Love you too hyuk"

     *beep beep beep*

     Donghyuk thought about how he could get all of them up at once. He couldn't scream, that would let the person know someone was there. He couldn't use water, then Chenle would scream.

     He sighed and just settled for waking them up peacefully.

     He knelt down beside them and started shaking Kun.

     "Hyung~" he whispered.

     Kun blinked and looked at Donghyuk tiredly. 

     "Someone's outside, Mark hyung said to wake everyone up and don't go outside" he whispered.

     "Hyukie, no one's out there just go back to sleep" Kun grumbled.

     "B-But hyung, I saw them. And they knocked on the door" Donghyuk said.

     "Hyukie, just go back to sleep until they get here then" Kun said logically.

     Donghyuk sighed and laid between Kun and Doyoung, falling asleep this time. 


     The guys were all at the grocery store to get groceries cuz I think that's what you do at grocery stores?... idk I'm 14 I don't have responsibilities so HA

     As they walked Mark's phone began to ring. The others turned and looked at him.

     "Who is it?" Jaehyun asked.

     "It's... Donghyuk" Mark said in confusion.

     Mark answered the call as all of the others watched him.


     Mark's expression changed to one that was worried and confused.

     "What?" He asked.

     Everyone was worried now.

     "No! No, no, no, don't open the door!"

     Jaemin worriedly looked at Jeno.

     "No! Donghyuk, listen to me okay? Get the others, tell Kun what's happening and Don't. Open. The. Door. N O O N E goes outside okay?"


     "Good boy. Now get your hyungs, we're on our way back home"

     Mark seemed a bit shocked now and blushed.

     "...L-Love you too hyuk"     

     Mark hung up the phone and looked at the others.

     "Someone's at the house trying to get in" Mark said.

     "W H A T" Johnny asked.

     "Oh my god oh my god oh my god" Jaemin panicked.

     "Then lets go fucking save our hybrids!" Yukhei exclaimed.

     They all ran to the front and paid for everything at lightning speed before darting off down the street to there house. When they got there  the door was wide open. Mark saw someone inside looking around. Mark stormed in and grabbed the guy, literally throwing him outside. 

     Mark anxiously woke out of the house, closing the door as quiet as possible as to not wake the hybrids. 

     "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Johnny yelled at the guy.

     "I-I-I'm so sorry! I didn't th-think anyone was home! I-I'll go! I'm sorry!" the boy repeatedly apologized.

     Yuta raised a brow "Who are you?"

     "uhm... my name is minghao" he said quietly.

     Taeyong noticed the cat ears on his head. 

     "Your a hybrid?" he asked.

     Minghao noticed his exposed ears and pulled his hood over his head quickly. 

     "I'm sorry!" he exclaimed.

     He quickly tried to walk passed them but Taeil caught him.

     "Why were you trying to break in?" Jeno asked.

     "I-I... I'm sorry! I just... I don't have anywhere to stay... I was kicked out of my house yesterday and I spent the night alone and it was awful! And I'm just trying to find shelter! I know I shouldn't have and I'm so sorry! Just please let me go!" Minghao cried.

     The others exchanged glances.

     "I have an idea" Yukhei spoke up 

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