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     Ten was asleep in the backseat of the car with the new hybrids curled up with him on the seat, all in animal form. 

     Johnny sat back there with them to make sure they didn't fall off the seat or something. 

      The little bear suddenly woke up and stretched letting out a tiny, adorable yawn, almost roaring. 

     Johnny glanced over at him and smiled. 

     The little bear cub got up and crawled onto his lap, curling up and closing it's eyes.

     Johnny hesitantly placed his hand on the little cub, carefully not to disturb him. 

     His hand was almost the same size as the bear cub, practically engulfing it.

     Johnny gently began to pet him, much to the cubs delight. 

      "You know, i never got to see your human form" he commented "I don't even know your name" 

     Xiaojun kind of understood what he said but not quite as he still didn't understand Korean. 

     The little bear got up and turned into his human form, sitting on Johnny's lap. 

     Johnny was shocked to say the least. Not expecting him to just sit on his lap like that.

     "Xiaojun" he said simply, pointing to himself. 

      He then pointed to the bunnies.

     "Mates" he said.

     Johnny 'ah'ed.

     "Johnny" he pointed to himself.

     "Mate" he pointed to Ten.

     Then he gestured to Ten and Taeyong.

     "Mates" he added.

     Xiaojun nodded. 

     "We... are..." he paused to think "from China"

     Johnny nodded in understanding. 

     "I don't speak very good Chinese" Johnny said "But we have Chinese.... hybrids"

     Johnny chuckled not knowing 'hybrid' in Chinese.

     Xiaojun laughed as well.

     "This is okay" Xiaojun smiled "My Korean is not good"

     They were quiet for a moment when Xiaojun's smile melted into a face of worry and confusion. 

     He leaned forward and sniffed Johnny's neck.

     "What are you doing?" Johnny asked.

      Xiaojun turned and sniffed Taeyong's neck, still worried and confused. 

     "Not mated" Xiaojun said.

     "Yeah, we haven't mated Ten yet" Johnny laughed a little.

     "Why?!" Xiaojun shouted. 

     Johnny was taken aback by his sudden anger.

     "W-We're waiting for the right moment" he replied "We live with other people, some of them are kids"

     Xiaojun sighed and looked at his mates who were awake now, Ten still sleeping.

     The brown bunny morphed into his human form, looking at Xiaojun with scared eyes. 

     "Hybrids" he said in a shaky voice. 

     There was a loud thump and the car shook. 

     "Something's on the roof" Taeyong said. 

     Taeyong swerved violently, making whatever was up there fall off. 

     Johnny looked out the window, his eyes widening. 

     "IS THAT A FUCKING CHEETAH??!?!" he shouted.

     "Fast! Fast! Fast!" Xiaojun shouted, hitting the back of Taeyong's chair. 

     Taeyong sped up, flying down the road. 

     "What the fuck do they want?!" Taeyong shouted. 

     "They want Ten!" 

//Welcome to the Valentines Day Special! 

I will explain more in the next chapter <3

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