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     He turned around and looked at the door, hopefully.

     Jaehyun was there with his arms open, waiting for him

     Doyoung let a few more tears fall before he ran and jumped into Jaehyun's arms. Jaehyun caught him easily, hugging him. 

     "I was so worried about you!" he cried. 

     "I know baby, I'm here" Jaehyun whispered, running his fingers through Doyoung's hair. 

     "I love you" Doyoung sighed shakily. 

     "I love you too" Jaehyun smiled. 

     Doyoung pulled out of the hug and looked Jaehyun in the eyes, holding his face. 

     Doyoung looked at his lips, then back at his eyes. 

     Forgetting the consequences, they kissed. 

     Jaehyun had a strong grip on Doyoung's hips as Doyoung cupped his cheeks. 

     Their lips moved in sync, Doyoung wrapping his arms around Jaehyun's neck. 

     But ever so slowly, Doyoung started to feel more needy. 

     They pulled away for breath but that's when it really kicked in. 

     Doyoung started blushing, his body growing hot and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. 

     He gave Jaehyun a desperate look, one that turned Jaehyun on. 

     "J-Jaehyun.... h-hot!" Doyoung cried, tugging the sleeve of his sweater off his shoulder. 

     Jaehyun's eyes trailed down to Doyoung's collarbone, licking his lips before he grabbed him and quickly went upstairs. 

     The rest stood in mixture of disbelief and confusion. 

     "What the fuck just happened?" Yukhei asked. 

     "I think that was our Que to leave..." Johnny replied. 

     "Good idea" Taeyong nodded. 

     He went upstairs and got the sleeping hybrids so they wouldn't be awoken by Doyoungs screaming. 

     They all left the house. 

     "Well, that was an adventure" Jeno sighed. 

     "What did you guys do in your mate faze anyway?" Taeil asked. 

     "Lots and lots of kissing and cuddles" Renjun replied. 

     "Oh thank god" Taeil sighed. 

     "I mean- not all of the kissing was on the lips" Jeno muttered. 

     "WHAT?!?" Taeyong shouted. 

     "LEE JENO!!!" Taeil yelled. 


     "Please never refer to it like that again" Renjun sighed. 

     "WHAT ALL DID YOU GUYS DO!?!?" Taeyong asked. 

     "We just kissed a swear! We didn't do it!" Jaemin quickly defended "I-I mean, maybe a few bites but-"

     "You're only making it worse" Mark butted in. 

     "I know I am! I'm stressed Mark!" Jaemin cried.

     Taeil groaned dramatically. 

     "My babies are growing up! Please don't let them be as bad Johnny!" he pleaded. 

     "What'd I do?!" Johnny shouted. 

     "Probably Ten" Donghyuck muttered. 

     "Yah!~" Ten whined, blushing. 

     Yuta and Sicheng just laughed watching all of the chaos ensue. 

     The three new hybrids just watched in slight disbelief. 

     "Well.... this will be..... an experience..." Hendery muttered. 

     YangYang just smiled innocently and watched 

     "They seem nice


     SO i hope you enjoyed the chapter but i wanted to ask, do you want a smut chapter for DoJae?

     I wouldn't mind writing it but I wanna leave it up to you guys because I know it might not exactly suit the book???

     Also, plz check out my new book Rebound and the book I restarted called Running uwu

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