29 {Final}

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//several years later// 

     "YAH!! JAEYEON!!" Jaehyun shouted, running after the tiny black haired girl. 

     But alas, she was a hybrid. 

     She was much faster than Jaehyun. 

     "You can't catch me!" She bragged. 

     Just then a hand grabbed her and lifted her up. 

     "No, but I can" the person said. 

     "YAH!!~ No fair aunty Kun-Kun!" the bunny girl whined. 

     "Thanks hyung" Jaehyun sighed, out of breath. 

     "No problem Jae" he smiled, handing him his daughter. 

     Kun went and sat down beside his mate/husband who was currently giving their baby a bottle. Kun felt a tug on his pant leg and smiled down at their little boy. He picked him up, sitting him in his lap. 

     The little boy watched him feed the baby in fascination. 

     "Mommy? When will I be able to hold Hana?" he asked. 

     Kun gave Hansol a thoughtful look. 

     "Wanna feed her?" Kun asked. 

     The boy nodded vigorously. 

     Kun sat him down on the couch while Hansol carefully handed him the baby. Then, Kun showed him how to hold the bottle.

     "Hold her up a little higher Kunwoo, you don't want her choke" Hansol told him. 

     Kunwoo nodded and lifted her head a little higher while feeding her. Kun and Hansol smiled at him. Kunwoo smiled excitedly at his parents. 

     Meanwhile, as Jaehyun was carrying Jaeyeon back to his pregnant mate she suddenly gasped. 

     "JAMIE!! YEONHEE" she shouted, pointed at the other little girl. 

     Jaehyun set her down, letting her run over to the other little girl. Jamie was Johnny and Ten's daughter. They named her Jamie because Johnny really wanted to give her an American name. Meanwhile, Yeonhee was Ten and Taeyong's daughter but the three of them rose the two girls together as sisters.

     Jamie was a beautiful little girl with exotic features. She had tan skin and short brownish hair that only reached her chin. She more so had Ten's features but Johnny's style. She currently wore a grey t-shirt over a white long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, and red hoodie tied around her waist. 

     Meanwhile, Yeonhee was more pale, having a good mix of her parents feature but more so Taeyong's fashion sense. She was wearing a black and white striped t-shirt with a leather jacket, black ripped jeans and a hat. She had lighter hair than her sister that went a little past her shoulders.

     Jaeyeon was a pale, adventurous little girl with Doyoung's smile. She had long, silky black hair that was just above her rear and was dressed in a sky blue dress.

     Jaeyeon was smiling brightly and gripped both of their hands excitedly.

     "Let's go play outside!" she beamed. 

     She dragged the two of them outside excitedly. 

     Kun and Hansol's son, Kunwoo, was another beautiful boy. He had an adorable bowl cut that was blonde. He had Hansol's big, brown eyes and two, little puppy ears. He was wearing a tan, fluffy sweater and and darker brown pants. He skin was pale and he was actually very sensitive. But of course, he already had Kun's motherly senses. 

     Yukhei and Jungwoo were sat down with their two kids. The had an older boy named Minwoo and a little girl named Yejin. 

     Both of them liked to roughhouse and were very energetic kids. Minwoo was already tall having mostly Yukhei's features as well as the light brownish-blonde hair. He was wearing a big red hoodie with black baggy jeans having a band-aid on his nose from running face first into a door.

     Yejin was thin, having black hair that she tied back into a short pony-tail, her over grown bangs covering one of her eyes. She was wearing a black tank-top and grey shorts, ready to fight her brother. Yejin was strong enough to beat most of the boys at her school. 

     Sicheng had two kids as well. Asahi and Sumi. 

     Asahi was Sicheng and Yuta's boy. He was a beautiful mixture of both parents, being very thin and having lightly colored hair. He had wavy brown hair and an intense stair. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black jeans. 

     His older sister, Sumi, was a little bit taller and kind of chubby but just as adorable. She had long wavy brown hair, dressed in a white turtle neck and a brown skirt with long socks. She was quieter than the others but she had Taeil's amazing vocal skills. 

     Yangyang, Dejun and Hendery ended up having a single little girl name Lixui. She was an elegant beauty, having wavy caramel color hair that reached her chin. She was pale with rose colored cheeks, dressed in a white dress a black Barrett. 

     As for the younger boys, Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin were the only one with a kid. A baby boy named Jaejin

//All of the kids are hybrids btw

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