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     The hybrids had been left home alone again.

     Chenle was laying on the living room carpet, doodling and kicking his feet. His tail swayed back and forth and his tongue stuck out in concentration. 

     Kun and Chittaphon were cooking with Doyoung's help, Sicheng and RenJun were reading on the couch, Jungwoo was taking a nap while cuddling Sicheng and Donghyuk was playing on his phone on the only other spare couch.

     Everything was at peace.

     But sadly...

     That wouldn't last very long...

     They were all at bay and they didn't have a care in the world...

    Until the loud thudding came at the front door again. 

     The hybrids would've thought nothing of it if it weren't for the way the thuds came.

     This wasn't subtle knocking, or even the light pushing that Minghao had done.

     This was angry and quite strong.




     Kun, Chittaphon and Doyoung came running into the room worriedly.

     "Everyone upstairs! Now!" Kun shouted.

     Jungwoo, who was wide awake now, scooped up Chenle in his arms and ran upstairs. They all hid in the farthest room in the hallway. 

     Kun locked door and looked around the room, this was Taeyong and Johnny's room. 

     "Ge! The wardrobe!" RenJun spoke up.

     Kun nodded.

     Chittaphon, Kun, Jungwoo, Doyoung and Sicheng all pushed the huge and heavy wardrobe against the door.

    The stepped back, panting tiredly. 

     Kun looked out the window seeing those all-too-familiar men. The blue uniforms, the signature hats, all wielding large nets and tasers. 

     Kun felt a rush of panic. 

     It was hybrid control...

     Chittaphon later saw who was outside.

     "Oh my god..." he muttered.

     "Hyungs, what's wrong?" Donghyuk asked.

     "I didn't think about it before..." Kun said in disbelief "But they... they don't own us.... They have signed the certificates or payed the money.... We can be can be taken away whenever... or wherever... t-they can sell us"

     All the boys were scared now.

     "They can take us" RenJun said in his state of panic "T-They can sell us! They can separate us! They can hurt us-"

     Jungwoo covered his mouth. 

     Everyone turned to Chenle worriedly.

     He was about to start. 

     The teary eyes, they heavy breathing, the whimpering. 

     "No! No! No! Chenle!" Donghyuk shouted, waving his hands.

     Chenle took a deep breath but Kun fast enough to cover his face with a pillow.

     Chenle released a shrill, ear piercing, high-pitched scream that was thankfully muffled by the pillow. 

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