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((You guys really deserve this triple update :(( Also lemme know if I should keep leaving these chill songs here, cuz I really like them))

     "Lay?... I need your help"

     The hybrid, supposedly named Lay looked at him with both confusion and worry.

     "Who are you?" Lay asked.

     "My name is Ten, I'm here with Johnny and Taeyong. We found these three hybrids and they're dying! Please help us!" Ten pleaded.

     Lay's eyes winded a bit. 

     Ten handed him the box with shaking hands. 

     Lay nodded and took the box, bringing it inside. 

     "I'll take them from here, sit down with the others" Lay ordered.

     Ten looked among them. 

     There was some kind of bird, two puppies, a bunny, two kittens, a wolf, a bear cub, a panda, a deer, and even what seemed to be a dragon. 

     Ten was a bit startled by the dragon and hesitantly stepped towards him. 

     "C-Can I see?..." he asked.

     The dragon nods.

     Ten sat next to him. 

     He was a little intimidating, with his tall, strong stature, golden wings, tail and horn. 

     Ten rubbed one of his wings, it was scaly. 

     Ten hummed, rubbing his tail a little, it was scaly too. 

     Ten saw the panda glaring at him.   

     Ten quickly stood up. 

     "I'm sorry! Is he your mate?!" He asked worriedly.

     The panda nodded.

     "Ah! I'm sorry!" he bowed.

     "You don't seem to be mated yet..." The bunny frowned.

     "I'm not... I know my mates but.. we're not mated yet" Ten replied shyly. 

     "This area is dangerous for your kind" The deer said.

     "Dangerous?... D-Dangerous how?" Ten asked fearfully. 

     "Well, you're an unclaimed, small, vulnerable hybrid, out here on your own..." The bird explained "And there's some dangerous hybrids out here"

     "O-oh" Ten stuttered. 

     Ten looked at the door and as if on que, Johnny and Taeyong came running in.

     Ten sighed in relief, hugging them. 

     Johnny kicked the door shut. 

     "Are the hybrids with Lay?" he asked.

     Ten nodded as Johnny picked him up and kissed his cheek. 

     Johnny held him up like that, Ten wrapping his legs around Johnny's waist.

     "Johnny" Lay was standing there "The hybrids are waiting for you guys, they want to see Ten"

     Ten nodded as Johnny set him down. 

     Johnny and Taeyong went to follow him but were stopped by Lay.

     "They want to see him alone" Lay said.

     Ten nodded at them and went into the room with the hybrids.

     The hybrids were in human form.

     "Hello, I'm Ten. What are your names?"

     "We... don't... speak.... uh... korean?" one of the bunnies said, unsure.

     ((Italics: Chinese ))

     "Awe~ You're Chinese aren't you? I can kinda tell by your accent." Ten asked.

     "Ah! Yes we are! We really wanted to say thank you for saving us!" The bear cub shouted.

     "Of course! Me and my friends were in the same situation but our mates saved us!" Ten explained.

     "Oh, the three of us are mates!" The bunny with the black ears said.

     "Aw~ How cute! What are your names?" Ten asked.

     "I'm Xiaojun!" The bear cub smiled.

     "I am Hendery!" The black haired bunny added.

     "And I'm Yangyang!" The brown haired bunny beamed. 

     "I'm Ten! And my mates are Johnny and Taeyong. But there's a lot more of us" Ten explained "So how would you like to stay with us? "

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