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//Next Day uwu//

     So the 7 youngest members of the house hold hadn't come out of their rooms all day. 

     Ten wanted to get away from all the drama(rama) so he was on a walk with Johnny and Taeyong. 

     Ten smiled softly, seeing the familiar alleyway. 

     "This is where you guys first found us" he said. 

     Johnny nodded and ruffled his hair, making him giggle. 

     Ten stopped to look at it. 

     The three of them stopped and stared for a bit. 

     "Okay, lets g-"

     "Wait!" Ten interrupted Taeyong. 

     "What's wrong?" Johnny asked. 

     Ten looked scared out of his mind.

     "no, no, no, no" Ten whispered to himself, jogging into the alleyway.

     He moved some boxes around and suddenly screamed, stumbling backwards. 

     Ten started crying and knelt down, picking something up. 

     Johnny and Taeyong approached him worriedly. 

     Their was a little bear cub and two bunnies, all three of them hurt terribly.

     "Oh, Ten..." Taeyong frowned, rubbing his back.

     "T-Taeyong... they're hybrids..." Ten cried

     Taeyong and Johnny looked at each other in shock.

     "Should we?" Taeyong asked. 

     Johnny thought about for a moment before he turned back to Ten.

     "How badly are they hurt?" he asked.

     "T-They're dying" Ten sobbed.

     Johnny sighed, looking at Taeyong again.

     "It might be our only option." he sighed.

     "Lets go then" Taeyong sighed. 

     Johnny nodded and lifted Ten in his arms. 

     "Keep them warm" Taeyong said. 

     Ten nodded and laid them in the pocket of his sweater. 

     Ten made sure to hold them tightly as Johnny ran as fast as he could. 

     Johnny and Taeyong sped to their house running through the door. 

     "Guys! Where are the keys?! We have a problem!" Taeyong shouted.

     Jaehyun looked at them worriedly.

     "Ten" Kun frowned, sensing the hybrids.

     "Kun hyung they're hurt really bad!" Ten cried.

     Kun frowned, looking at Sicheng. Sicheng felt it too. 

     Yuta tossed him the keys to his car. 

     They all rushed back outside. 

     "Come back safe!" Kun called after them. 

     Ten sat in the backseat with the hybrids in his lap. Taeyong was in the front passengers seat and Johnny was driving, speeding down the street.

     They made several sharp turns, flying down the road. 

     Ten held the hybrids tightly but also had to make sure he wasn't hurting them. 

     Ten looked out the window, seeing nothing but tall trees for miles.

     "Johnny... where are we going?" Ten asked worriedly. 

     Taeyong turned around in his seat. 

     "Listen, Ten, we need you to not freak out when you meet these guys, okay?"

     Ten gulped "Why? Who are they?"

     "They're good people, sweetheart. But they can do some... weird things" Taeyong explained "But they are going to save these hybrids, okay?"

     "Really?" Ten asked. 

     Taeyong nodded, smiling at him. 

     Johnny suddenly stopped the car. 

     "This is as far as we can go by car" he informed.

     The others nodded and got out. 

     "How far is it?" Ten asked. 

     "About mile" Johnny said. 

     "Shit" Ten huffed "You won't make it in time"

     "What do you mean I won't make it in time?" 

     "You won't but I will" Ten replied, opening the trunk.

     "You don't even know where to go" Taeyong said.

     "So tell me" Ten answered simply, taking out a small box and putting the injured animals inside of it. 

     "No, Ten, you can't go alone" Taeyong tried to reason with him. 

     Ten sealed the box, making sure it was completely closed.

     "I'm going" Ten said, looking for something sharp. 

     "No, Ten-"

     Ten whipped out his claws on one hand, pointing them Taeyong and Johnny. 

     "i'm. Going" he spoke sternly.

     Taeyong and Johnny sighed, nodding.

     Ten poked a few holes in the box with his claws so that the hybrids could breathe. 

     "Okay fine" Johnny huffed, he told Ten who the person he needed to see is and gave him the directions.

     "We'll be right behind you" Taeyong smiled. 

     Ten nodded and took off into the woods, jumping over rocks and other obstacles easily. 

     He sprinted through the trees at lightening speed, finally reaching a small cottage. 

     He stumbled up the steps, out of breath, and knocked on the door eagerly. 

     It opened, revealing a handsome boy with the ears of a sheep and small horns.

     "Lay?... I need your help"  

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