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//imma hold off on the smut chapter cuz my sister's in the room and i really wanna update lmao

     The group was going on a walk while the Dojae couple did their own thing. They were going on a walk, Yangyang trailing at the back of the group having his hands behind his back and a little spring in his step.

     Yangyang smiled, getting a warm feeling when he saw his mates holding hands. He decided not to bug them and let them have some time together. He wanted some alone time anyway.

     As Yangyang was walking, his mind drifted elsewhere and he started walking slower. 

     His eyes cast to the ground while he was deep in thought, not realizing how far ahead the group was now. 

     (127 words :O)

     By the time he had snapped out of his daze, it was too late. 

     He ended up going the wrong way and couldn't see any of the others. 

     Yangyang's heart rate increased and his ears drooped down on the sides of his head. He started breathing heavily, looking for them in panic. 

     He started running, pushing through the crowds of people. 

     He started letting out little whimpers and whines, having to stop every so often to wipe his tears. 

     Yangyang was such panic now that he started feeling dizzy. He could only hear the sound of his of his own rapid heart beat yet it felt like all of the cities sounds were screaming at him. 

     All he wanted to do was crouch and cry until they came back for him. 

     But the tears pooled his eyes so much that he couldn't see where he was going.

     He found himself in the road, shaking and crying while blindly looking for him mates.

     He ended up falling, not hard, but hard enough to be painful. 

     He whimpered and got up, seeing a bright light out of the corner of his eye. 

     Yangyang was terrified to see a large truck coming at him with no intention of stopping. 

     "LOOK OUT!!!" someone shouted. 

     A large, heavy force collided with Yangyang's body, sending him half way across the street.








     Yangyang hit the ground with a thud. 

     As soon as his head collided with the ground, he was out cold. 

     Five boys came running to help him, dropping down beside him. 

     One of them lifted Yangyang's limp body. 

     "Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck do I do?!" one shouted. 

     "I don't fuckin know!" another responded. 

     "Why did you guys pick him up?~" a third boy whined "Now I'll feel too bad if we leave him"

     "WE'D FEEL BAD EVEN IF WE DIDN'T COME TO HELP!!" a fourth screamed.

     "Quiet down now, let's just look for help" the last spoke calmly. 

     Yangyang whimpered quietly making them freeze. 

     "D.... Dejun" he mumbled. 

     "What was that honey?" the fourth boy asked quietly. 

     "w-want.... dejun..." he croaked "...w-want.... hendery...." 

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