3) The Boggart.

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Scarlett and Barrie reached in great hall and sat at the Slytherin table. At their left sat Pansy with her friends and Draco.

"Madam Promfey said I am lucky. After minute or two I could have lost my arm. I couldn't do my homework could you do it for me?" He said to Pansy, then he spotted Scarlet sat a little far from them. She was talking with Barrie and having her lunch. Draco felt a weird feeling in his stomach whenever he saw her. Something about her confuses him. He saw Pansy was about to touch his arm.

"Please don't touch it. It hurts." He said.

"He's been sighted, he's been sighted." Seamus shouted walking up to the Griffindor table and kept the news paper in the table. Hermione read it.

"Dufftown. That's not far from here." She said.

"Won't he come in Hogwarts?" Neville asked worried.

"In spite of Dementors?" A boy said.

"Dementors? He already slipped pass them. He will do it again." Seamus said.

"Yes Black can be anywhere." A black boy said.

"Is this Sirius Black is so dangerous?" Scarlett asked.

"Yes. He is a murderer. He destroyed a man and only his tiny finger left behind. He was the follower of You Know Who." Barrie said.

"Well I read about you know who. He is like the HYDRA organization we have in our world. They are threat to the muggle world." She said

"So how muggles protect themselves?" She asked.

"We have an organization called SHIELD. They have their Agents who go on missions and protect muggles. My aunt and uncle work for them." She said.

"That's cool. Come on we have our Defense against Dark Arts next." She said. Scarlet nodded and got up. She felt someone was staring at her, she looked behind and saw Draco. When their eyes met he immediately turn his head around. She shrugged off and went to her next class with Barrie.

They reached the Defense against Dark Arts class. Everyone gathered in the group and professor Lupin walked around. There was a closet and it was shaking violently.

"Can someone tell what is inside the closet?" He asked.

"Its a boggart sir." Scarlett said.

"Very good miss Stark. Now can anyone tell what a boggart looks like?" He asked.

"No one knows. Boggarts are shape shifters they take the shape what a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so" Hermione said.

"So terrifying. Yes miss Granger. So there is a spell to defense. Let's practice it. Without wands please. After me 'Ridikkulus'" he said.

"Ridikkulus." Everyone repeated

"Again very clearly Ridikkulus." He said.

"Ridikkulus." Everyone said again.

"This class is Ridiculous." Draco said

"Now only the spell won't work what completely defeats a boggart is laughter. Uh Neville could you step forward please." He said and Neville slowly steps forward.

"So Neville what's frightens you the most?" Professor asked. Neville mumbles something

"I am sorry." Professor said.

"Professor Snape." He said and everyone laughed.

"He frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother" Professor said.

"Yes but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either." Neville said.

"No I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes very clearly in your mind." He said

"She carries a red hand bag." Neville said.

"You don't need to tell. As long as you see we will see too. I want you to do this." Professor said and whispers something in Neville's ear.

"Can you do that?" He said. Neville nodded.

"Okay wand ready." Professor said removing his wand and opened the door of the closet. From there Professor Snape walked out. He looked at Neville and walked towards him.

"Ridikkulus." Neville casted the spell and made professor Snape wear his grandma's clothes. Everyone one laughed.

"Well done Neville. To the back. Everyone form a line." Professor said and turned on the music.

"Next. Ron." Professor said. Ron walked forward and the boggart turned into a giant spider. Every hair on Ron's body stood straight with fear. He removed his wand and casted the spell, suddenly the spider wore roller skates and it struggled to stand. Everyone laughed again. Next went Parvati. The boggart turn into a cobra. She turned it into a clown. Next was Scarlett and the boggart turned into  Pennywise, walking towards her slowly opening his mouth wide revealing his sharp teeth. All the students watched in horror and the class went silent. She removed her wand and casted the spell. Pennywise's clown costume turn into chicken costume with feathers and wearing a yellow beak. The whole class burst into laughter with her once more, she went back now it was Harry. The boggart turn into the Dementor. Professor stood in front of Harry the boggart turned into the full moon. He casted the spell and it went everywhere like a balloon. Professor opened the closet and it went in and he locked it.

"Everyone this is it. Class dismissed. Sorry. You can collect your books from the back of the class. Sorry again." He said and all students went away disappointed.

Scarlett collected her books and was on the way to the common room.

"You fear clowns?" Barrie asked.

"Only that one. It haunts my dreams." She said and they enter the common room.

"Hear comes the clown." Pansy said and everyone looked at them.

"And hear talks the Pugface." Scarlett said like Tony raising her arm towards her. Everyone laughed.

"Look Draco she insulted me. Are you just gonna see or do something?" She said turning to Pansy.

"How dare you to talk to my friends like that." He said standing up from the couch.

"With my tongue." She said.

"Then watch your tongue next time." He said.

"If I don't what you gonna do?" She asked. He removed his wand and pointed at her.

"I will make your life a hell." He said.

"Well look you guys I don't want to fight or you'll regret." She said. Goyle came forward and pushed her a little.

"What a girl like you gonna do to us?" He said.

"I am warning you don't touch me again." She said. He did pushed her again. She handed her bag to Barrie and fiercely looked at him. He was about to push her again she grabbed his hand, kicked his right knee. He fell down and twisted his hand behind his back. He let out a small scream.

"I warned you." She said and released him. And turned to others.

"Anyone else?" She asked they all backed away. She grabbed her bag and they both went in their dorms.

"Well that was amazing." Barrie said.

"That's one of my skills." She said and sat in her bed. Snow hopped in her lap, she stroked her fur.

"Wow. Let's get changed and go for dinner." She said. Scarlet nodded and got up to change keeping snow on the bed.

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