9) End of Holidays

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It was now end of winter holidays, it's to time to go back to Hogwarts. Scarlett was a little nervous about the incident happened back in Diagon Alley. Scarlett was sitting on the couch in living room ready to leave. Clint put her bag in back seat of the car and called Tony. He came downstairs in his expensive suit and noticed Scarlett deep in thought. He walked up to her and sat beside her on the couch.

"What's so worried face?" He asked.

"I am afraid, everyone must have known by now that I have weird powers." She replied.

"Look kiddo, what happened in the alley was a accident and you used it in your defense. No one's gonna tell you what to do and what not to. Not even me. It's your choice what you choose to be. Be strong or be coward. It's up to you. Because in the end what matters is who you really are, and you are.. " Tony trailed

"I am Scarlett Howard Margret Stark." She replied.

"That's my girl." He said and kissed the top of her head. They climbed in the car and drove to the station. There she met Barrie. She hugged Tony one last time.

"Love you tonnes." He said hugging her back

"I love you 3000" She replied and pulled back.

"3000 that's insane." Tony said smirking. She smiled and border the train with Barrie.

They entered the Slytherin compartment and everybody stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her and Barrie.

"Barrie is there Professor Snape standing behind us?" Scarlett asked loud enough so others can hear. They both looked back and then again faced the compartment.

"Nope, so what are you guys looking at?" Scarlett said, everybody broke their gaze from hers and back to their work.

Scarlett and Barrie walked confidently inside and sat near the empty table by the window.

"You are so confident." Barrie commented

"Thanks, it's in Stark's blood." Scarlett replied.

"Well well look who's here. Scarlett Shark." Blaise said.

"Careful Blaise cuz this Shark could eat you alive." Barrie taunted him.

"Shut up you traitor." A shrieking voice of a girl said and Pansy walked in with Draco.

"Seriously Pansy you really love to get yourself embarrassed or is it one of your hobbies?" Scarlett said. Pansy's face went red from rage but she controlled and turn to other students in the compartment.

"I have discovered the Stark's dark secrets. She is not what you think she is." Pansy said others were listening to her carefully.

Barrie looked at her in horror but Scarlett mouthed her, 'don't worry'

"She practice the magic which is forbidden in the magical world she is a dar---" Pansy was cut by her falling down on the isle as the train came to a sudden halt. The students standing also fell and the luggage kept above their heads on the railing fell out of their places.

Before the luggage fell on any student and injure them Scarlett waved her hands in air and in an instant the aura caught the luggage and it levitated in the mid air above the students. Scarlett stood up on her place, her eyes glowing red. The students looked at her in awe, some were shocked and some were scared.

With another wave of her hand she put the luggage back in its place on the railing. The red aura disappears and her eyes turn back to her brown shade.

"Your welcome." Scarlett said bowing a little to them and sat back in her seat opposite to Barrie. She smiled at Scarlett knowing she did the right move.

Scarlett smiled and turn to face the window seeing the scenery pass by. At evening they reached the Hogwarts. The girls went in their dorms to get changed in the school robes. After changing they walked in the great Hall had their dinner and a small chat with Harry, Ron and Hermione about the holidays. Harry told them that he learn to conjure the Petronus charm.
The girls were leaving for their dorms then Harry called,

"Hey Scarlett can I talk to you for a moment in private." He asked. Scarlett sensed Barrie got jealous, she gave Barrie an apologetic look and went with Harry in other hallway.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You know when I spy on professor McGonagall and the Minister in the Three Broomsticks?" He asked

"Yes what about it?" She said

"I was so in my own grief that I forget to mention that Sirus Black didn't just betrayed my parents." He said

"What does that mean?" She asked

"Sirus Black also got your mom killed, she was my godmother." He replied.

"What?!" She said quietly as tears filled her eyes. She leaned back on the wall and breathed.

"Harry told us after you left for holidays, we were mad at him. You have right to know." Hermione and Ron walked from behind Harry.

Scarlett took a deep breath and stood straight wiping her tears.

"We will find him and we will kill him." She said and her eyes turn red.

After that meeting she went in her dorm and saw Barrie already went to sleep. Scarlett knew she got jealous and decided to sort things out in the morning and went to sleep.

Sorry for late update guys I was busy with stuff at my home, in India we had a lot of festivals and a big political issue stood up about women security.
So anyway if you liked the chapter please leave a comment and don't be shy.

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