5) Werewolves and Quidditch.

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Days passed and Scarlett was happy in Hogwarts. She mostly hangs out with the trio and Barrie. The trio also accepted Barrie as their friend. And most the Wesealy twins were fond if her because she was very energetic, brave and also like to pull pranks on some students who treat others like shit. She was very different. Almost all of Hogwart's boys was falling for her. But she wasn't easy to trick or wasn't too rude to reject the boys harshly.

Today's day was usual day until DADA, professor Snape entered and closed the windows with his wand as he walk through the rows and stood in front of the class. He pulled the white sheet down and turned to the students.

"Turn to page 394." He said in his stern voice. Everyone sighed and opened their books. He walked through the rows looking everywhere.

"Excuse me sir where's professor Lupin?" Harry asked.

"Not your really your concern..is it? I say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at present time. Page 394" Snape said and walks up to the projector and tapping it with his wand.

He saw Ron was turning the pages very lazily, he pointed his wand and his book turned open the page 394. He looked startled then read the title of the chapter.

"Werewolves!?" Ron reads

"But Sir we just started learning about red capes and Hinkeypunks. We shouldn't be starting that subject in weeks." Harmione said appearing out of nowhere.

"Did you see her coming?" Ron asks. Harry nodded as no. Scarlet laughs as she knew the reason behind it.

"Quite... Now who will tell the difference between an animagus and an werewolf?" He asked. Hermione's hand went up.

"No one? how disappointing." Snap said.

"Please sir. An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice. With each full moon he transforms and he no longer remembers who he is. He could even hurt his best friends if he crosses his path. Furthermore the werewolf only responses to a call of his own kind." She finishes. Draco made a wolf sound and laughed with his friends.

"Thank you Mr Malfoy. This is the second time you have talked out of turn Miss Granger. Are you too incapable of restraining yourselves or do you take pride in being insufferable..... Know it alls? Ten points from Griffindor." He said. Mione looked down in shame.

"As an antidote for your ignorance. In my desk two rolls of parchment by Monday in the werewolves." He said and all Griffindors whined in frustration.

"But sir it's Quidditch tomorrow." Harry said.

"Then in suggests to take extra care Potter. Lost of limb would not be an excuse. Page 394." He said and turned around and continued teaching the subject. Scarlett felt sorry for Mione.

Then the next day it was Griffindor vs Hufflepuff match. It was raining heavily then too the match was going on. Scarlett was with Ron, Mione and Barrie cheering for Griffindor. Both Harry and Hufflepuff seeker went for the snitch up in the sky. There was a silence for a while. Then they saw Hufflepuff seeker fell down as he was struck by lighting, Dumbledor save him. Then everyone waited for Harry then after a while Harry fell and his broom was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone gasped and Dumbledor saved him as well. Then later they learnt that the Dementors entered the School grounds.  Dumbledor was furious and he cancelled the match. They took Harry and other players to the hospital wing. Harry was just unconscious. Everyone gathered around his bed.

"He seems peeky." Ron says.

"Peeky, Ron he fell a thousands of feet from sky what do you expect?" One of the twins said.

Then slowly Harry opened his eyes and smiled.

"How you feeling?" Scarlet asked

"Peachy." He answered.

"You gave us a pretty good scare there mate." George said.

"Who win the match?" Harry asked sitting up.

"No one blames you Harry. Dementors are not allowed to enter the school grounds.  Dumbledor was furious. After the match they were sent back." Hermione said.

"And one thing too Harry. You broom quite went into the Womping Willow and well this is what remains of it." Ron said holding Harry's broken broom. Harry sat shocked. Scarlett read his mind and saw how disappointed he was with himself. When everyone left leaving both of them alone she sat in the bed.

"Harry it wasn't your fault you hear what Mione said." She said.

"Scarlett please leave me alone." He said.

"I am just trying to help Harry. Blaming yourself won't mend your broom back or you can't win the game either." She said placing her hand on his. He looked up surprised that how did she knew.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I can see on your face." She said. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"No I was thinking in my mind. How did you know that?" He asked

"You was thinking quite loudly and I could read minds of people." She said.

"How?" He asked again.

"By Odin's beard you question a lot." She said dramatically. He let out a chuckle. She smiled at him.

"Well I was just curious." He said. She sighed and slowly started to flick her hand. A scarlet colour aura surrounded her hand as she flicks her hand slowly. He looked at her stunned and surprised.

"Like this. You can't tell this to anyone. Alright?" She said. He nodded.

"Did Dumbledor knows?" He asked.

"Yes. He knows, professor Snape  knows and Madame Promfery knows too." She said.

"That's good he knows. So this was your extraordinary powers about which the sorting hat was talking." He said.

"Yeeeppp." She said.

"How did you get those powers?" He asked.

"When the right time comes I will tell you. For now you rest." She said and stood up.

"Thanks Scarlett for helping me." He said.

"Anything for my friends." She said and walked out of the hospital wing.

As she exited the wing she bumped into someone and the books fell from that person's hands.

"Oh I am soo sorry I didn't see you there." She apologized as she picked the books up.

"Oh don't worry it was my fault I was in a hurry." The boy said. He had brown hair and he was a Hufflepuff.

She picked half of the books and handed it to him.

"Thanks a lot." He said taking the books away from her.

"Well at least I can do that much. I am Scarlett by the way." She said extending her hand for him to shake.

"Charlie Puth. Fifth year Hufflepuff and a muggle born. Nice to meet you Miss Stark." He introduced shaking her hand.

"You know me?" She asked.

"Yes you are the daughter of the billionaire Tony Stark. I never thought that I would meet you here. Its an honour." He said.

"Woha cool down. Don't need to fanboy over me. I am just like you all so call me Scarlett." She said

"Okay Miss, I mean Scarlett. See you later." He said. She smiled at him.

"Okay see you later Charlie." She said and walked towards her dorms. It was a tiring day for her so she just want a long nap and in a  few days Christmas break is going to start.

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